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Mistakes 2
Message de joy813 posté le 10-02-2005 à 12:53:54 (S | E | F | I)

There is one mistake in each of the following sentences.
Find it and write the corrected sentence below.

1/ We didn't allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You mustn't pay in cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He have to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " Must I finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you must hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We haven't got any milk left". "Haven't we ? I'm going to the shops to buy some then".

Enjoy it

Réponse: Mistakes 2 de clarinette, postée le 10-02-2005 à 13:05:46 (S | E)
Bonjour Joy,

1/ We ARE NOT allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You DON'T HAVE TO pay in cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He HAS to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " DO I HAVE TO finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you SHOULD hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We HAVE NO MORE milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to the shops to buy some then".


Réponse: Mistakes 2 de felin, postée le 10-02-2005 à 16:44:26 (S | E)
Bonjour Joy

1/ We aren't allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You needn't pay in cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a polceman. He has to wear an uniform.
4/ Student to Teacher:" Have I to finish this exercise tonight?"
5/ I don't think you should hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We haven't got any milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to buy some then".

Edité par felin le 11-02-2005 13:26

Réponse: Mistakes 2 de lucile83, postée le 10-02-2005 à 17:16:30 (S | E)
1/ We aren't allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You needn’t pay in cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He has to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " Have I to finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you should hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We haven't got any milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to buy some then".

Réponse: Mistakes 2 de grabuge, postée le 10-02-2005 à 17:32:22 (S | E)
1/ We aren't allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You mustn't pay in cash. You can only pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He has to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " Have I to finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you should hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We haven't got any milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to the shops to buy some then".

Merci Joy

Réponse: Mistakes 2 de larenaudiere, postée le 10-02-2005 à 18:51:17 (S | E)
/ We aren't allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You can pay in cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He has to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " Do I have to finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you should hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We haven't got any milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to the shops to buy some then".

Réponse: Mistakes 2 de joy813, postée le 11-02-2005 à 13:15:58 (S | E)
Super travail que vous me faites là ! Quand je mettrai ma correction, vous verrez qu'il y a plusieurs possibilités
Clarinette : revoir la 6

Réponse: de clarinette, postée le 11-02-2005 à 18:43:29 (S | E)
Oui, Joy, j'en ai trop changé :
6/ "We HAVEN'T GOT milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to the to the shop to buy some then".

Réponse: de bridg, postée le 12-02-2005 à 13:29:02 (S | E)
1/ We aren't allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You needn't pay cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He has to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " Have I to finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you should hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We have no milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to buy some then".

Réponse: Mistakes 2 de marit64, postée le 12-02-2005 à 21:14:00 (S | E)

1/ We weren't allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You don't have to pay in cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He has to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " Have I to finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you should hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We haven't got any milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to the shops to buy some then".

Thanks again, it was a good exercise.

Réponse: Mistakes 2 de bobbyker, postée le 12-02-2005 à 22:26:42 (S | E)
Hi Joy

1/ We didn't ALLOW to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You CAN pay in cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He HAS to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " SHALL I finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you SHOULD hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We haven't got any milk left". "HAVE we ? I'm going to the shops to buy some then".

Réponse: correction de joy813, postée le 13-02-2005 à 14:43:40 (S | E)
Hi everybody, that's my correction :

1/ We weren't allowed to wear jewellery at school.
2/ You don't have to pay in cash. You can also pay by credit card.
3/ Bob is a policeman. He has to wear a uniform.
4/ Student to teacher: " Do I have to finish this exercise tonight ? "
5/ I don't think you should hitch-hike. It could be dangerous.
6/ "We haven't got any milk left". "Have we ? I'm going to the shops to buy some then".

Other possibilities were possible too (see the answers of Lucile)

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