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Phrasals .... To z..... xxxxx
Message de regine_lyon posté le 14-05-2005 à 10:05:15 (S | E | F | I)

What do the following verbs mean ?

Réponse mercredi soir !

To zero in ...
To zing along ...
To zip in ...
To zip on ....
To zip through ...
To zip up ...
To zonk out ...
To zoom in ...
To zoom out ...

Réponse: Phrasals .... To z..... xxxxx de fantaisie, postée le 14-05-2005 à 11:23:30 (S | E)
1/zero in
-to direct all of your attention towards a particular person or thing
-------A good lawyer will always zero in on a key piece of evidence
-to fasten a piece of clothing by using its zip a long metal or plastic fastener or to help someone close the zip of clothing they are wearing
--------zip your jacket up,it is cold out there.
-3/zonk out
-to fall asleep or to become unconscious
---------after work i just zonk out in front of the television
4/zoom in
- if a camera zooms in ,it starts to show a clear and detailed picture of sth as if the camera was moving closer to that thing.
-------the camera zoomed in on her face.
5/zoom out
-if a camera zooms out,it starts to show someone or sth in less detail,as if the camera was moving away from that person or that thing
-------the camera suddenly zooms out to show the whole of the desert stretching away to the horizon.

Réponse: Phrasals .... To z..... xxxxx de marit64, postée le 14-05-2005 à 23:01:27 (S | E)
Hi regine!

To zero in = to aim directly our attention to somebody or something.
To zing along-- To zing: to whistle ( ex: bullets were whistling all around us) but I found nothing with along.
To zip in--( when you're into a sleeping bag, you zip in to keep you warm).
To zip on = to put a piece of clothing on and zip up.
To zip through-- to close all the zipper.
To zip up = to fasten with a zip.
To zonk out--
To zoom in = with a camera: move into a close-up picture or to focus sharply on a matter.
To zoom out = to produce a distance effect with the zoom.

for this exercise. It wasn't easy to find them in spite of all my English books. But it improves our vocabulary.

Réponse: Phrasals .... To z..... xxxxx de regine_lyon, postée le 18-05-2005 à 21:20:00 (S | E)
Nobody else ????

Réponse: Phrasals .... To z..... xxxxx de regine_lyon, postée le 19-05-2005 à 19:53:00 (S | E)
Les réponses !!!

  • to zero in

    • military viser. to zero in on [target] = viser [une cible]

    • figurative cerner [key issue, problem]; se rabattre sur [option]; foncer droit sur [person]; repérer [place].

  • zing along US [car] filer à toute allure.

  • to zip [sb] in = fermer sa fermeture à glissière à qn. I zipped the baby into his sleeping bag = j'ai fermé la fermeture à glissière du sac de couchage du bébé.

  • to zip on [sth] = to zip [sth] on = remonter la fermeture à glissière de qch. I zipped on my anorak = j'ai remonté la fermeture à glissière de mon anorak.

  • to zip through [sth] : to zip through one's book/marking = lire son livre/corriger les copies en diagonale.

  • to zip up

    • [garment, bag] to zip up = se fermer par une fermeture à glissière; to zip up at the back/front/side = se fermer par une fermeture à glissière dans le dos/sur le devant/sur le côté

    • to zip [sb /sth] up = to zip up [sb/sth] = remonter la fermeture à glissière de qn/qch. can you zip me up please? = tu peux me remonter ma fermeture à glissière?

  • to zonk out = s'endormir

  • to zoom in
  • cinema, photography faire un zoom (on sur)
  • to zoom out
  • cinema, photography faire un zoom arrière

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