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Fin du voyage/Traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 15-05-2005 à 16:19:46 (S | E | F | I)

Encore un petit effort attention aux pièges

L’avion a atterri à 11h comme prévu, ainsi mon amie et moi avons pu aller déjeuner dans ce petit restaurant dont je vous ai parlé. Nous avons pris une salade, du poulet avec des frites et du fromage. Nous avons parlé pendant plus de 2 heures. Elle m’a raconté son séjour à l’autre bout du monde, ce qui était fascinant. Je ne me souviens plus combien de fois nous avons ri. Nous avons décidé de passer les 2 semaines suivantes ensemble . Vers 14h nous avons fait les magasins et elle m’a demandé si je savais où était la meilleure librairie de la ville. Elle a acheté 3 livres qu’elle lira quand elle retournera en avion en Australie.

See you soon

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de bridg, postée le 15-05-2005 à 16:23:43 (S | E)
On a vraiment toutes les chances , avec le nombre de grèves et de retards d'avion, il a fallu que ta copine revienne dans les temps

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de regine_lyon, postée le 15-05-2005 à 17:41:44 (S | E)
Allez, j'essaye !!

The plane landed at 11 AM, as expected, so my friend and I could have lunch in this small restaurant I have already talked about. We had a salad, some chicken with chips and some cheese. We spoke for more than 2 hours. She described her stay in miles from anywhere, which was fascinating. I don't remember how many laughters we had. We decided to spend the two following weeks together. At about 2 PM, we went shopping and she asked me whether I knew where the best bookshop in the city was. She bought 3 books she will read when she flies back to Australia.

PS : chips (UK) ou fries / French fries (US)

Edité par regine_lyon le 16-05-2005 10:08

Edité par regine_lyon le 16-05-2005 10:56

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de jardin62, postée le 15-05-2005 à 18:15:07 (S | E)

Bonjour lucile.

The plane landed at 11 p.m as scheduled, then my friend and I could go to the little restaurant I told you about. We had a salad, chicken and chips, cheese. We talked/chatted/ for more than two hours. She told me about her stay at the far end of the world , which was captivating. I can't remember how many times /we burst out laughing /we've had a good laugh. We decided we would spend the next 2 weeks together. Towards 2.00 we went shopping and she asked me if I knew where the best bookshop/bookstore in the town was. She bought 3 books that she will read while flying back to Australia.

*Il y a des maladresses dans ma traduction!

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de bridg, postée le 15-05-2005 à 18:35:34 (S | E)
pppfffffffff je ne sais pas si c'est à cause du dimanche soir ou autre chose mais j'ai vécu ta traduction comme une horreur , Laisse tes smileys écarlates dans ta poche et respire un coup ... zen
The plane landed at 11 AM as scheduled, so my friend and I could go and have a lunch in this small restaurant I talked you about. We had a salad, a piece of chicken with chips and some cheese. We chatted for over 2 hours. She told me her stay in the back of beyond, which was fascinating. I don’t remember any more how many times we laughed. We decided to spend together the following 2 weeks. At around 2 pm we went shopping and she asked me if I knew the best bookshop in the city. She bought 3 books that she will read when she flies back to Australia

Edité par bridg le 16-05-2005 09:33

Edité par emy64 le 16-05-2005 13:59
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffff bis

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de grabuge, postée le 15-05-2005 à 20:16:00 (S | E)
Déjà la fin de l'histoire ?

The plane landed at 11.00 am as expected, so My friend and I could have lunch in this little restaurant that I told you about. We got a salad, chicken and chips, and some cheese. We talked for more than two hours. She told me about her stay to the other side of the world(à l'autre bout du monde je ferai des recherches demain) which was fascinating. I don't remember how many times we laughed. We decided to spend the next two weeks together. Around 2 pm, we went shopping and she asked me where was the best library was in the town. She bought three books that she'll read when she flies back to Australia.

Merci Lucile, j'espère n'avoir pas fait trop de fautes. Oh là là, j'ai bien peur que oui...

Edité par grabuge le 17-05-2005 08:41 - Re.merci Lucile pour tes corrections.

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de felin, postée le 15-05-2005 à 20:49:45 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile

The plane landed at 11 o’clock as planned or as expected, so my friend and I have been able to could have lunch in this small restaurant I have already told you about. We had a salad, chicken with chips (Britain) and Fries (Usa) and some cheese. We have talked for more than 2 hours. She told me about her stay on the far side of the globe which was fascinating. I can’t remember how many times we laughed. We decided to spend the next 2 weeks together. At about 2:00pm we did the shopping we went shopping and she asked me if whether I knew where was the best bookshop in the town. She bought 3 books she will read when she flies back to Australia.


Edité par felin le 16-05-2005 14:43

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de hyppoblue, postée le 15-05-2005 à 20:54:26 (S | E)
Good evening,
Je pense que j'ai foncé tête baissée dans tous les pièges!
The plane landed at eleven o'clock as expected, so my friend and I could have lunch in the small restaurant I told you about. We had a salad, chicken and chips, cheese. We talked for more than two hours. She told me about her stay at the other side of the world, which was fascinating. I don't remember how many times we laughed. We decided to spend the following two weeks together. Towards 2 PM we went shopping and she asked me if I knew where the best bookshop in the town was. (Je ne sais pas trop ou placer 'was' .) She bought three books she'll read in the plane while going back to Autralia.

J'ai l'impression que plus j'avance et plus je prends la mesure de mon ignorance.
Merci Lucile.
Edité par bridg le 15-05-2005 21:51

Edité par hyppoblue le 16-05-2005 17:45 J'espère que j'ai maîtrisé la coorection de mes fautes, j'ai du mal avec les couleurs.

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de cat3, postée le 15-05-2005 à 21:48:04 (S | E)
,bonsoir Lucile

The plane landed at 11 hours p.m,as planed.So my friend and I could go to have a lunch(ne pourrait-on pas dire :might go to have a lunch?),in the little restaurant I talked about.We had a salad,chicken and chips,cheese.We talked for more 2 hours.She related me her stay far in the world,which was fashinating.I don't remember,how many times we laughed.we decided to spend 2 following weeks togheter.Towards two hours PM,we went shopping and she asked me if I knew where was the best bookshop in the city.She brought 3 books that she will read when she flies back to Australia(ah pas cette fois-ci la petite tête rouge en colère,enfin,j'espère!)
,Lucile et bonne soirée

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de cat3, postée le 15-05-2005 à 21:52:03 (S | E)
En relisant,je m'aperçois que j'ai oublié de mettre "we" devant could,mais je ne vais pas plus loin

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de jane, postée le 15-05-2005 à 22:05:13 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous!
C'est l'occasion de réinvestir les acquis de la dernière traduction!

As expected, the plane landed at 11 AM, so my friend and me have been able to have a lunch in the small restaurant I have already talked about.
We had a salad, some chicken with chips and some cheese. We have spoken for more than 2 hours. She described me her trip to the far end of the world, which was fascinating. I don't remember how many times we laughed. We decided to spend the next two weeks together. At about 2 PM, we went shopping and she asked me if I knew where the best bookshop of the city was. She bought three books she will read when she goes back by plane to Australia.

J'espère que j'ai su éviter les pièges! En tout cas, moi j'en ai vu plein!!!!!
Deviendrais-je parano avec toutes ces histoires de prétérit, présent perfect, préposition etc...?

Lucile et à bientôt!

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de isa71, postée le 15-05-2005 à 22:48:48 (S | E)

The plane landed at 11:00 a.m as planned, so my friend and I could have lunch in this small restaurant I told you about.
We had a salad,chicken and chips and some cheese.We talked for more than 2 hours.
She told me about her stay on the other at the ends of the world wich was fascinating.
I don't remember me how many times we laughed.We decided to spend the 2 next weeks together.Around 2:00 p.m we went shopping and she asked me if I knew where was the best bookshop in the city was.She bought 3 books that she'll read when she flies back to Australia.

Lucile je me suis sentie plus à l'aise avec cette traduction même si elle est certainement pleine de fautes il faut dire que depuis plus d'1 semaine nous sommes gatés avec toutes ces traductions

il y a des fautes que je n'ai pas réussi à corriger merci pour ton mp-------------------
Edité par isa71 le 17-05-2005 23:18

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de robinou, postée le 16-05-2005 à 12:11:33 (S | E)
The plane landed at 11 am , as expected, so my friend and I could have lunch in that small restaurant I told you about.
We had a salad , some chicken with chips and some cheese.
We spoke for over 2 hours.
She told me about her stay around the world, which was fascinating.
I can't remember how many times we laughed.
We decided to spend the next 2 weeks together.
About 2 pm we did some shopping and she asked me if I have ever known where the best library in the town was.
She bought 3 books she'll read when she returns by plane to Autralia.


Edité par robinou le 16-05-2005 15:57

Edité par robinou le 16-05-2005 16:28

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de sosoa71, postée le 16-05-2005 à 12:52:43 (S | E)
The plane landed at 11am as it was planned, so my friend and I could go to that little restaurant that I have told you. We have eaten salad, chicken with chips and cheese. We have talked for more than 2 hours. She has told me her journey in the next world, it was fascinating. I do not remember how often we have smiled. We have decided to pass the next 2 weeks together. About 2 pm, we have done the shopping and she asked me if I knew the best library in the town. She has bought 3 books that she would read when she would be back by plane to Australia.

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de sosoa71, postée le 16-05-2005 à 12:59:57 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous !
je viens de découvrir ce site, il y a qques jours, et je trouve qu'il repond bien à ma demande, j'aime beaucoup l'anglais depuis que j'étais en collège et lycée, même qd j'étais à l'université, je faisais des cours d'anglais en parallèle, même si j'étais dans des branches scientifiques ! Maintenant, je suis maman à la maison, je ne travaille pas pour le moment, et je continue toujours d'apprendre l'anglais par tout les moyens. JE souligne que je viens de Madagascar et je vis en Maroc avec ma petite famille.
Merci à Lucile particulièrement qui accepte de nous partager ses connaissances.
A bientôt à tous !

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 16-05-2005 à 14:37:54 (S | E)
Merci Sosoa ! mais je ne suis pas la seule à proposer des exercices, heureusement d'ailleurs, et je te conseille d'en faire le maximum ce qui te permettra de progresser rapidement;
See you soon

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de zen34, postée le 16-05-2005 à 14:45:46 (S | E)
Salut Lucile,

As expected the plane landed at 11am; so my friend and I could have lunch in this small restaurant I told you about. We had a salad, chicken with chips and cheese. We spoke for more than 2 hours. She told me about her trip down under, it was captivating. I don’t remember how many times we laughed. We decided to spend the next 2 weeks together. Towards 2pm we went shopping and she asked me whether I knew where the best bookshop in the city was. She bought 3 books which she will read when she flies back to Australia.

Edité par zen34 le 16-05-2005 16:00

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de masselotte, postée le 16-05-2005 à 15:51:36 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous
merci lucile83

The plane landed at 11 o'clock as planned ,thus my friend and I could go in that small restaurant which I talked you about.We had a salad, some chicken with chips and some cheese.We talked during more than 2 hours.She told me her trip to far end of the world,and it was gripping.I don't remember number of time we laughed.We decided to spend the next 2 weeks together.Toward 2 PM we went shopping and she asked me wether I knew where was the best bookstore in the town.She bought 3 books and she is going to read when
Edité par masselotte le 16-05-2005 19:29 lucile83

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de jammy, postée le 16-05-2005 à 20:09:59 (S | E)
Je suis un peu en retard...
The plane landed at 11a.m as planned, thus my friend and I could go and have lunch in that little restaurant I had told you about. We had a salad, chicken with French fries and cheese. We chatted for over 2 hours. She told me about her stay at the end of the world. That was exciting. I can’t remember how many times we laughed anymore. We decided to spend the following two weeks together. At about 2p.m we went shopping and she asked me whether I knew where the best bookshop in the town was. She bought 3 books she will read when she flies back to Australia.

A bientôt!!! lulu

Edité par jammy le 17-05-2005 16:27

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de jane, postée le 16-05-2005 à 21:21:01 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,
Bonsoir Lucile et merci pour ton mp!

J'essaie de me corriger....
As expected, the plane landed at 11 AM, so my friend and me I have been able to have a lunch in the small restaurant I have already talked about.
We had a salad, some chicken with chips and some cheese. We have spoken spoke (1) for more than 2 hours. She described me her trip to the far end of the world, which was fascinating. I don't remember how many times we laughed. We decided to spend the next two weeks together. At about 2 PM, we went shopping and she asked me if whether (2) I knew where the best bookshop of in the city was. She bought three books she will read when she goes flies back by plane to Australia.
(1) Oui, je sais , à l'heure actuelle, les 2 amies ne se parlent plus! Mais je pensais qu'utiliser le présent perfect me permettait d'insister sur le fait qu'elle avait parlé longtemps....tant pis!!!!
(2) Là, j'ai purement et simplement copié sur les copains!
If only I had known, I would have made ( coucou Jardin!) the felin's exercices!!!!!( et à toi aussi felin!)

Lucile et à bientôt!

Edité par jane le 17-05-2005 07:58

Edité par jane le 17-05-2005 08:02 merci lucile

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de axis, postée le 17-05-2005 à 14:41:12 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile83,

Le grand week-end est fini....

The plane landed at eleven AM, so my friend and me were gone take a lunch in that little eating-house about I talked. We that took one salad, some chicken with french potatoes and cheese. We talked during more two hours. She narrated me her sojourn in other extremity of world, that whose was fascinating. I do not remember how many times we had laughed. We had decided sstay two next weeks together. About fourteen PM, we had made shops and she asked me if I knew where was the better library of the town. She had bought three books whom she will read when she come back in Australia by plane.

Dure la reprise, je sens que les risquent de pleuvoir...
merci beaucoup pour l' exercice et bonne fin de journée.

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de tounette, postée le 18-05-2005 à 11:05:16 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

En retard ....mais voici ma traduction .....

The plane landed at 11h a.m as foretold, so my friend and I could have lunch in the little restaurant I told you about. We had a salad, chicken with chips and some cheese. We talked for more than two hours. She told me about her stay at the end of the world which was fascinating
I can't remember how many times we laughed. We decided to spend the next two weeks together. At about 2 p.m we went shopping and she asked me if I knew where the best library in the town was. She bought three books she will read when she flies back to Australia.
et à bientôt pour la suite . 15 jours avec ton amie ...veinarde ..mais comme tu n'es pas égoïste tu sauras nous en faire profiter ... que de choses tu vas pouvoir nous raconter !!

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de bridg, postée le 18-05-2005 à 11:07:18 (S | E)
Euhhhhhhhhhh pas trop quand même hein coach

Réponse: Fin du voyage/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 18-05-2005 à 14:19:44 (S | E)
Merci à toutes et à tous !! et
Voici ma proposition, et vous laisse vous reposer quelque temps car je vais passer 2 semaines avec mon amie ...mais je ne resterai pas tout ce temps sans vous " torturer"..

The plane landed at 11.00 a.m. as expected, thus my friend and I could have lunch in that small restaurant I told you about. We had a salad, some chicken with chips and some cheese. We talked for more than 2 hours. She told me about her stay at the other end of the world, which was fascinating. I can’t remember how often we laughed. We decided to spend the next 2 weeks together. Around 2.00 p.m. we went shopping and she asked me whether I knew where the best bookshop in the city was. She bought 3 books she will read when she flies back to Australia.
See you soon

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