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Message de bitsi posté le 2004-10-16 11:42:59 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour , je recherche le poème intitulé "Halloween night" pour mon cours de primaire , le connaissez-vous ? J'ai cherché sur mais il n'y est pas . Merci de me renseigner . Bonne journée à tous . Bitsi .

Edité par bridg le 16-10-2004 12:08

Réponse: re:Halloween de webmaster, postée le 2004-10-16 13:13:18 (S | E)
est-ce celui-ci?

Il y a en a beaucoup avec ce titre.

Réponse: re:Halloween de bitsi, postée le 2004-10-16 18:59:35 (S | E)
Non , ce n'est pas celui-ci mais merci quand même ! Bonne soirée à tous . Bitsi .

Réponse: re:Halloween de bitsi, postée le 2004-10-16 19:12:34 (S | E)
Voici les 2 premiers vers du poème que je recherche :"It's Halloween night and the witches are out…" . Merci . Bitsi .

Réponse: re:Halloween de chatran, postée le 2004-10-16 22:16:48 (S | E)
bonsoir bitsi

Je viens de trouver ceci, mais je ne sais pas si celà peut aider :


It's Halloween! It's Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can't be seen
On any other night.

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls,
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

In masks and gowns
we haunt the street
And knock on doors
for trick or treat.

Tonight we are
the king and queen,
For oh tonight
it's Halloween!

Jack Prelutsky

See you soon


Réponse: re:Halloween de bitsi, postée le 2004-10-17 19:12:50 (S | E)
Bonsoir Chatran , merci de ton aide . Ce n'est pas le poème que je recherchais mais il me semble tout de même intéressant , à bientot . Bitsi .

Réponse: re:Halloween de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-17 21:22:13 (S | E)
en cherchant le poème voici ce que j'ai trouvé sur un site de scholastic:

je continue a regarder pour ton poème ...

Réponse: re:Halloween de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-17 21:37:06 (S | E)
Witch's Night Out
On Halloween night, the witch flies through our imagination on her broomstick. She wears a black cape and a black, pointed hat. Her hair is stringy, her face is ugly, and her black cat is by her side.

Our myths about the Halloween witch come from people who used to practice witchcraft long ago. The word witch means "wise one" or "magician." Superstitious people believed witches had many magical powers.

Witches brewed magic potions to make people fall in love. They cast magic spells to bring people under their power. They had magic rituals that seemed to make them fly. People of long ago feared the witches-especially when they gathered on Halloween night!

Peut-être celui-la ....

Réponse: re:Halloween de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-18 00:09:08 (S | E)
l'adresse pour le poème que je viens de te donner est


Réponse: re:Halloween de chatran, postée le 2004-10-18 11:14:05 (S | E)
rebonjour bitsi c'est encore Chatran

Voilà j'ai encore trouvé un poème of halloween. Je pense que ce n'est toujours pas celui que tu cherches, mais peut-être tu pourras t'en servir.
Je vais essayé d'en trouver d'autres. I like halloween bouh

Voici donc le poème :

Author : "Allison Groupp"

Halloween night

Creatures run and witches fly
Something streaks across the sky.
Children laugh and scream and play
They can't wait til the ending day.
Monsters scream, their voices hoarse
But we let all things take their coarse.
Werewolves howl and their eyes gleam
You take no notice if you hear a scream.
Vampires smile, they've found a meal
Over a neck, their mouths will seal.
Crickets will sing, their chirps rarely heard
Over a yell there is barely a word.
Bats are flying, their wings outstretched long
You stop and listen to the owl's wise song.
Part of you can't wait til this night is done
If you are chased remember to run.
Ghosts' mournful wailing is loud as can be
You can always hear but will never see.
Home is where you should be at the end of the night
Or else you shall receive an unimaginable fright.
Leaves whip through the air and land at your feet
There's the cackle of goblins filled with deceit.
Zombies smile with dead, rotting teeth
There's a shadow behind you 'oh it's only a wreath'.
A crow looks down with mischevious eyes
The big, silver moon shines down from the skies.
The jack-o-lanterns' eyes have an eerie glow
You trample through leaves like thick, winter snow.
You arrive at your door with a relieved sigh in your chest
The creatures will disappear once you get a long rest.
You lie in bed and tuck yourself tight
And try and forget this Halloween night.

Il est peut-être un peu long !!!

See you soon


Edité par chatran le 2004-10-18 11:50:08

Réponse: re:Halloween de chatran, postée le 2004-10-18 11:47:56 (S | E)

Comme promis j'ai cherché et j'en ai trouvé plusieurs.

Tu pourras faire un tri.

Bon courage.


Tonight is the night
when dead leaves fly
like witches on switches
across the sky.
When elf and sprite flit
through the night on a moony sheen.

Tonight is the night
when leaves make a sound
like a gnome in his home under the ground.
When spooks and trolls
creep out of the holes,
all mossy and green.

Tonight is the night
when pumpkins stare
through sheaves and leaves everywhere.
When ghoul and ghost and goblin
host dance round their Queen.

Author Harry Behn


We bought a fat orange pumpkin,
The plumpest sort they sell.
We neatly scooped the inside out
and only left the shell.
We carved a funny funny-face
of silly shape and size,
A pointy nose,
a jagged mouth and two enormous eyes.
We set it in a window
and we put a candle in,
Then lit it up
for all to see Our jack-o-lantern grin.

Author Unknown


The Harvest moon fills the sky
A wicked witch goes flying by

Ghosts and goblins..skeleton's too.
Moaning and groaning, waiting for you

Black cats prowl the graveyard plots
Witches cook in cauldron pots

Cemetery ghouls roam the ground
Not one unopened grave is found

Tombstones are an eerie sight
Shadows dance in full moon light

The haunted house on the hill
Walk in there and you get a chill

Jack-o-lanterns eyes so bright
Trick or Treaters scream in fright

It's a time like you've never seen
Tonight's the night of Halloween.


There`s a goblin as green as a goblin can be.
Who is sitting outside and is waiting for me.
When he knocked on my door and said softly,
"Come play!"
I answered,"No thank you, now please,go away!"
But the goblin as green as a goblin can be.
Is still sitting outside and is waiting for me.
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
give us something good to eat.
Give us candy, give us cake,
give us something sweet to take.
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
hurry up and give us some.
You had better do it quick
or we`ll surely play a trick.
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
give us something good to eat.

Author Unknown


There`s a house upon the hilltop
we will not go inside,
For that is where the witches live,
Where ghosts and goblins hide.
Tonight they have their party,
All the lights are burning bright,
But oh we will not go inside
The haunted house tonight.
The demons there are whirling
and the spirits swirl about.
They sing their songs to Halloween.
"Come join the fun," they shout.
But we do not want to go there,
so we run with all our might
And oh we will not go inside
The haunted house tonight.

Author Unknown


It`s late and we are sleepy,
The air is cold and still.
Our jack-o-lantern grins at us
Upon the window sill.
We`re stuffed with cake and candy
And we`ve had a lot of fun,
But now it`s time to go to bed
And dream of all we`ve done.
We`ll dream of ghosts and goblins
And of witches that we`ve seen,
And we`ll dream of trick-or-treating
On this happy Halloween.

Unknown Author


Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and bling-worms sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.

By William Shakespeare


The thing to remember
when you go to bed
Is hang strings of garlic
high over your head,
So werewolves and vampires
won't come to call.
In fact
you won't get many callers at all
'Cause garlic is smelly,
besides its success
With magical creatures
who visit distress
On humans who read scarey stories at night,
And sleep in their bedrooms
without a night-light.

The thing to remember
when you go to bed
Is putting a cross
at your foot and your head,
'Cause witches and vampire bats
are religious
And touching a sign like a cross
gives them hideous
Goosebumps and warts,
hives, the welts and the itches,
Which nobody likes,
even vampire bats and witches.
But try not to toss or to turn
in your bed.
If you kick off the crosses
you're gonna wake dead.

The thing to remember
when you go to bed
Is watch out for goblins
who munch on your head.
What stops them is water,
so ask for a glass,
Then pour it around
so the goblins can't pass.
Or else make a run
for the bathroom and turn
On the hot and cold faucets
and watch goblins squirm.
As a last chance,
since goblins all fear running streams,
If you don't own a bathroom,
dream water-filled dreams.

So---that's my advice.
Now just turn off the light.
Hope you sleep well the next Halloween Night!

Author Unknown


Goblins on the doorstep,
Phantoms in the air,
Owls on witches gateposts
Giving stare for stare,
Cats on flying broomsticks,
Bats against the moon,
Stirrings round of fate-cakes
With a solemn spoon,
Whirling apple parings,
Figures draped in sheets,
Dodging, disappearing,
Up and down the streets,
Jack-o-lanterns grinning,
Shadows on a screen,
Shrieks and starts with laughter
This is Halloween!

Dorothy Brown Thompson

Maintenant je suis à sec. J'espère que tu y trouveras ton bonheur.

Happy Halloween


Edité par chatran le 2004-10-18 11:48:40

Réponse: re:Halloween de bitsi, postée le 2004-10-18 15:15:52 (S | E)
Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont passé du temps à chercher des poèmes pour m'aider , c'est vraiment très sympa . Je les prends tous et je les examine , puis en fonction de leur difficulté propre , je les utiliserai ou non en classe . J'espère pouvoir vous aider un jour , moi aussi . Bonne journée . Bitsi .

Réponse: re:Halloween de kameleon, postée le 2004-10-22 00:36:17 (S | E)
Halloween Night

A ghost, awitch, a goblin, a ghoul,
Night of the living dead, right after school.
A princess, a pirate, a puppy and a cat,
Even Splinter the mutant rat.
Super man, Batman, Spiderman too,
And even the Tick, in his costume of blue.
Zipping here, and dashing there,
Watch out for the children, they're everywhere.
Kiss candies, apples, and wee gummy bears,
Munchies, goodies, and rice Krispy Squares.
Bags of all sizes, some full, and some not,
Carried by both, teenagers and tots.

squeals of glee, joy and bliss,

An evening no child could ever resist.
With smiles on their faces, oh what a sight,
As we once again celebrate, Halloween night.

Bert's Poetry



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