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Message de honeykwitraa posté le 2004-11-19 15:31:29 (S | E | F | I)
hi all i m a student in bachelor's degree and i hope to someone help me to find some idea to improve my writting
we have the programe who contain units and its important to stady hardier the theme of the unit cuz we will have it in the exam
for example : the first unit is the first world war
and we have to know laws and crimes of war violence and war generally
i hope that someone help me to have a large vocabulary and ideas about this unit

Réponse: re:help de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-19 16:47:40 (S | E)
your forum is quite hard because we must associate English and History, the best to improve your writing is to prepare summarizes of your lessons in English with only three or four words to deal with a special topic, e.g:

+ the struggle of Two alliances: empires vs democracies
+first modern war: Use of planes, chemical weapons

etc, it could help you a lot, use French as little as possible!!

Hold on!!

Réponse: re:help de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-19 17:01:53 (S | E)
welcome oneykwitraa

As a starting point here is a correction :

hi you all. I m a student in bachelor's degree and I hope that someone would help me to find some idea to improve my writting.

We have the a programe who that (it is not a person) contains (3rd person singular) units and it's important to stady study HARDER the theme of the unit cuz(I don't understand). We will have it in the exam
for example : the first unit is (the) First World War
and we have to know laws and crimes of war violence and about(it sounds better) war generally.

I hope that someone helpS me to have get(have introduces a notion of stability) a large vocabulary and ideas about this unit.

So World War I theme ? May be we could talk together. I often go to Picardie on week-endS. (That was) THERE IS OR THERE WAS a big battle field there. In the garden we still find bullet of rifle getting out of the ground. I was told that from the farm's basement man on a horse can ride underground to Roye a town 10 kilometers far. And it could be true, the basement is deep underground and there IS a ciment piece closing a part of a wall.

Edité par yannloic le 19-11-2004 17:02

Edité par marie37400 le 22-11-2004 16:06

Réponse: re:help de honeykwitraa, postée le 2004-11-19 18:19:04 (S | E)
thank you a lot
specially yann for his your correction

Edité par yannloic le 22-11-2004 11:55

Réponse: re:help de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-20 01:17:15 (S | E)
correction please!

About first world war, can't you talk us more about the unit you meet ?

Réponse: re:help de honeykwitraa, postée le 2004-11-21 01:35:22 (S | E)
we are treatting the subject about violence , crims , war ,
effect and causes of war as a conflict involving the use of arms

Edité par yannloic le 22-11-2004 11:55

Réponse: re:help de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-22 12:02:33 (S | E)
That war was really particular, because of the use of new weapons, chemical gas, new technology (taxi, tanks, airplane) but the human contribution was enormous. It is the first modern war I think, where civils suffer to (especially in the North of France).

There's also a dimension most of us doesn't see. This war marks the end of the colonial conquest, and the end of the old European nations expansion. But the geopolitical point of view of that epoch doesn't interest you I think.

Réponse: re:help de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-22 15:33:21 (S | E)
it is also the first time that the United-States really got involved into a foreign conflict (except during its expansion in the 19 th century), after the destroying of the Lusitania. USA felt that their interests had been at stake , that's why they took part in the conflict.

The conflict had also huge consequences in redefining the role of women in society. They had to work at the back front to bring the children up, to work in the factories that manufactured weapons etc. Time of the suffragette!!

to be continued....



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