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How long/past simple

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How long/past simple
Message from mohammad51 posted on 15-02-2020 at 11:44:17 (D | E | F)
This is a quiz I did online using the past simple after how long.
My question :
Is it possible to use the past simple after introductory question ( How long ) when a duration is mentioned in the sentence ?
I read in many pages using the past simple after how long is possible, but when a duration is mentioned such as: for three weeks , for 5 days etc... it is something bizarre
It is perhaps an error in the page, but not two errors or three
please, could any one help ?
Thank you in advance
How long ... to Terry ? She ... to him for three years.
a. has she married ... has married
b. was she married ... was married
c. did she marry ... married
d. she married ... married

According to the page the correct choice is:
was she married ... was married why not the first choice ?
also this one suggesting the past simple and not the present perfect

2. How long ... in Sevenoaks ? She ...there for three years.
a. she has taught ... has taught
b. has she taught ...has taught
c. she teaches ... taught
d. did she teach ... taught D is the correct answer according to the page

Here is the quiz questions 2 and 4 I did it many times

someone said online, also I myself know this fact
It is for example one was married to a spouse then they got divorced, so it is actually to use the past simple since now are not married.
OK the past simple = correct
If they are still marrying each another using the present perfect telling the relation is not stopped.
But how could we judge and the sentence or the context never hints to " they were divorced" in question 1 ?
So, here the point consists

Re: How long/past simple from gerondif, posted on 15-02-2020 at 12:00:20 (D | E)
How long ... to Terry ? She ... to him for three years.

a. has she been married ... has been married would have been correct

b. was she married ... was married is right: How long was she married to Terry ? She was married to him for three years, from 2013 to 2016.

c. did she marry ... married would work with "When did did marry Terry ? She married him in 2013."

d. she married is not an interrogative form ... married

According to the page the correct choice is:

was she married ... was married why not the first choice ? because it is grammatically wrong.

also this one suggestion the past simple and not the present perfect

2. How long ... in Sevenoaks ? She ...there for three years.

a. she has taught is not an interrogative form ... has taught
b. has she taught ...has taught would probably have been "has she been teaching" .
c. she teaches wrong tense, not interrogative form ... taught
d. did she teach ... taught D is the correct answer according to the page Yes, it would be clearer if the exemple went :
How long ... in Sevenoaks ? She ...there for three years, from 2013 to 2016.

Re: How long/past simple from mohammad51, posted on 15-02-2020 at 21:39:40 (D | E)
Thank you very much dear teacher gerondif
Now it is very clear to me

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