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Message de frederiquebain posté le 2004-11-21 19:23:13 (S | E | F | I)
placez les mots où il faut:

all/every/lots/no/a lot of/any/little

  • Chicago is a huge city.Like New-York it has........very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where is devoted to parks. I like to watch.........these pigeons. They are perched on ........street corner.There are...... ...of them.they always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand.......respect and , actually, they don't receive........

  • Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-21 19:41:21 (S | E)

    Chicago is a huge city. Like New-York it has.a lot of.very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where is devoted to parks. I like to watch..all..these pigeons. They are perched on .every..street corner. There are..little..of them. They always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand..lots.respect and, actually, they don't receive..any.

    I'm not sure about no and little ............

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-21 19:56:09 (S | E)
    3 fautes si mes comptes sont bons

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de pascaline, postée le 2004-11-21 20:10:31 (S | E)
    all/every/lots/no/a lot of/any/little

    Chicago is a huge city.Like New-York it has lots very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where very no space is devoted to parks. I like to watch all these pigeons. They are perched on every street corner.There are lots of them.they always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand a lot of respect and , actually, they don't receive any.

    Pas sûre du tout!


    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de morenita, postée le 2004-11-21 20:39:41 (S | E)
    Hi there!
    all/every/lots/no/a lot of/any/little

    Chicago is a huge city.Like New-York it has A LOT OFvery high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where very LITTLE space is devoted to parks. I like to watch ALL .these pigeons. They are perched on EVERY street corner.There are LOTS .of them.they always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand NO .respect and , actually, they don't receive ANY

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de dandoun, postée le 2004-11-22 00:15:38 (S | E)

    Chicago is a huge city.Like New-york it has a lot of very high buildings.
    But it is very different from New-york where very little space is devoted to parks.I like to watch all these pigeons.They are perched on every street corner.There are lots of them.They always seem very comfortable;they know when to sit and watch,and when to fly away ans move on.They demend no respect and,actually they don't receive any


    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de sixa, postée le 2004-11-22 08:11:37 (S | E)
    avec retard..... pause du W.E oblige...

    Chicago is a huge city.Like New-York it has lots.....very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where is devoted to parks. I like to watch..all.......these pigeons. They are perched on ..every......street corner.There ...of them.they always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand.a lot of......respect and , actually, they don't receive.any.......

    J' essaie en plus de traduire...

    Chicago est une vaste ville. New york a de nombreux très hauts immeubles, mais elle est très différente de wew-york. Beaucoup de petits espaces sont consacrés aux parcs. J' aime regarder tous les pigeons. Ils sont perchés à chaque coin de rue.IL....... eux-mêmes. Ils semblent toujours tranquilles. Ils reconnaissent quand se poser et regarder et quand s' éloigner et continuer son chemin. ils demandent respect ce qu' aucun actuellement ne reçoit....

    Merci pour ces exercices et bonne journée.

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de marie37400, postée le 2004-11-22 11:03:18 (S | E)
    Hello everybody !
    Merci Frédérique, et très bonne idée à Sixa de traduire !
    Here's my try :
    Chicago is a huge city.Like New-York it has A LOT OFvery high buildings.
    But it is very different from New-York where very LITTLE space is devoted to parks.
    I like to watch ALL these pigeons. They are perched on EVERY street corner.There are LOTS of them. They always seem very coMfortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand NO respect and , actually, they don't receive ANY.
    ATTENTION : coMfortable in English BUT coNfortable in French !
    Well, now a try for the translation :
    Chicago est une immense ville. Comme New-York, elle a beaucoup d'immeubles très hauts. Mais elle est très différente de New-York où très peu d'espace est consacré aux parcs.
    J'aime observer tous ces pigeons. Ils sont perchés à chaque coin de rue. Il y en a beaucoup (des tas!)
    Ils ont toujours l'air à l'aise ; ils savent quand s'asseoir et regarder, et quand s'envoler et repartir.
    Ils ne demandent pas de respect et n'en reçoivent aucun.

    Super pour se mettre en jambes en ce lundi matin, maintenant je vais m'attaquer à Wells et à "Lucile", so


    Edité par marie37400 le 2004-11-22 11:08:53

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de serena, postée le 2004-11-22 11:31:36 (S | E)
    Hello fred !

    Before starting, let me tell you that your exercises are very interesting. And useful for everyone to remember rules we think are easy, but in fact are not.

    Chicago is a huge city. Like New-York it has A LOT OF very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where very LITTLE space is devoted to parks. I like to watch ALL these pigeons. They are perched on EVERY street corner.There are LOTS of them. they always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand NO respect and , actually, they don't receive ANY.

    Many thanks !

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-22 12:40:28 (S | E)
    You're welcome.

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-22 12:55:03 (S | E)

    a lot of,little,all,every,lots,no,any.

    Pour la traduction:Chicago est une énorme ville. Comme New-york, il y a de très grands immeubles(grattes-ciel).Mais c'est différent de New-york où il y a très peu d'espaces verts( parcs).J'aime regarder tous ces pigeons. Ils sont perchés à tous les coins de rue.Ils semblent toujours très à l'aise; ils savent quand s'asseoir ou regarder,et quand s'envoler.Ils ne demande aucun respect et de toute façon ils n'en recoivent aucun

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-22 12:59:07 (S | E)
    Chicago is a huge city. Like New-York it has.a lot of.very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where very little space is devoted to parks. I like to watch..all..these pigeons. They are perched on .every..street corner. There are lots of them. They always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand..lots.respect and, actually, they don't receive..any.

    Bonjour Frédérique -est-ce que c'est correct j'en ai trouvé 2 seulement.

    Edité par speedjo905 le 2004-11-22 13:01:15

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de lyne, postée le 2004-11-22 13:14:35 (S | E)
    Chicago is a huge city.Like New-York it has a lot of very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where very little space is devoted to parks. I like to watch all these pigeons. They are perched on every street corner.There are lots of them.they always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand no respect and , actually, they don't receive any.

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de claire1, postée le 2004-11-22 22:12:06 (S | E)

    Chicago is a huge city.Like New York it has lots very high buildings.But it is very different from New York where very little space is devoted to parks.I like to watch all these pigeons.They are perched on every street corner.They are a lot of them.They always seem very confortable.They know when to sit and watch and when to fly away and move on.They demand no respect and,actually,they don't receive any.


    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de marit64, postée le 2004-11-23 00:06:40 (S | E)
    placez les mots où il faut:

    all/every/lots/no/a lot of/any/little

    Chicago is a huge city.Like New-York it has a lot of very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where very little space is devoted to parks. I like to watch all these pigeons. They are perched on every street corner.There are lots of them.they always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand no respect and , actually, they don't receive any.

    I'd like to know if my answers are wright, please

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-23 08:06:20 (S | E)
    marie 64. quelques invertions/ La correction est au dessus et si vous ne comprennez pas ,demandez moi

    Jo/ c'est bon

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de marie37400, postée le 2004-11-23 09:34:24 (S | E)
    Bonjour Frédérique et merci pour la correction de la traduction.C'est toujours très important de voir comment les mêmes choses peuvent être dites ou écrites différemment.
    A bientôt,

    Réponse: re:les quantifieurs de hafsa, postée le 2004-11-23 13:30:37 (S | E)
    all/every/lots/no/a lot of/any/little

    Chicago is a huge city.Like New-York it has a lot of very high buildings. But it is very different from New-York where very little space is devoted to parks. I like to watch all these pigeons. They are perched on every street corner.There are lots of them.they always seem very confortable; they know when to sit and watch, and when to fly away and move on. They demand no respect and , actually, they don't receive any.



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