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Exercices 23
Message de felin posté le 04-04-2005 à 01:09:36 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous

Correction Vendredi soir.

Fill in each space with a suitable form of a verb from the list. You can use some verbs more than once.

say, tell, speak, talk, discuss, persuade, give, convince, deny, turn down.

1 A: People……….that he's been all round the world. B: Yes, he's always……..about his travels.
2 A: He was ……… another one of his stories.
B: Does he ever ………..the truth?
3 A: Rose is brilliant at …………….. jokes.
B: I hope we can………..her to tell us some tonight.
4 A: Why don't you ask the doctor to …………you a second opinion?
B: Yes, I ought to ………….to someone else about it.
5 A: Doctor, they …………'s urgent.
B: Very well, …………..them I'm on my way.
6 A: They …………..the Prime Minister will be …………about the new law in Parliament today.
B: I wonder what he's going to …………..this time.
7 A: You ………… me you were at the pub last night.
B: What are you …………. about?
8 A: I believe what he
B: I don't. I am ………………he's been ……………..lies.
9 A: You ……………..him some good advice about his interview.
B: But he didn't get the job. I wonder why he was…………….?
10 A: You can't ………….. that you……………..Kate my secret.
B: No, I didn't. But it seems I can't ………. you. Maybe we can …………..this later.

Good luck

Réponse: Exercices 23 de marit64, postée le 07-04-2005 à 01:33:23 (S | E)
felin.Fill in each space with a suitable form of a verb from the list. You can use some verbs more than once.

say, tell, speak, talk, discuss, persuade, give, convince, deny, turn down.

1 A: Peter is saying that he's been all round the world. B: Yes, he's always talking about his travels.
2 A: He was telling us another one of his stories.
B: Does he ever tell the truth?
3 A: Rose is brilliant at telling jokes.
B: I hope we can persuade her to tell us some tonight.
4 A: Why don't you ask the doctor to give you a second opinion?
B: Yes, I ought to talk to someone else about it.
5 A: Doctor, they're saying it's urgent.
B: Very well, tell them I'm on my way.
6 A: They've said the Prime Minister will be speaking about the new law in Parliament today.
B: I wonder what he's going to turn down this time.
7 A: You didn't tell me you were at the pub last night.
B: What are you talking about?
8 A: I believe what he'd said.
B: I don't. I am persuaded he's been telling lies.
9 A: You gave him some good advice about his interview.
B: But he didn't get the job. I wonder why he was turned down?
10 A: You can't deny that you tell Kate my secret.
B: No, I didn't. But it seems I can't convince you. Maybe we can discuss this later.
Thanks again for your exercise. It wasn't easy, I'm eager to see how many mistakes I've made.

Réponse: Exercices 23 de felin, postée le 08-04-2005 à 22:03:37 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit

Voici la correction et merci d'avoir participé

1 A: People say that he's been all round the world.
B: Yes, he's always talking about his travels.
2 A: He was telling us another one of his stories.
B: Does he ever tell the truth?
3 A: Rose is brilliant at telling jokes.
B: I hope we can persuade her to tell us some tonight.
4 A: Why don't you ask the doctor to give you a second opinion?
B: Yes, I ought to talk/speak to someone else about it.
5 A: Doctor, they said it's urgent.
B: Very well, tell them I'm on my way.
6 A: They say the Prime Minister will be talking about the new law in Parliament today.
B: I wonder what he's going to say this time.
7 A: You told me you were at the pub last night.
B: What are you talking about?
8 A: I believe what he said
B: I don't. I am convinced he's been telling lies.
9 A: You gave him some good advice about his interview.
B: But he didn't get the job. I wonder why he was turned down ?
10 A: You can't deny that you told Kate my secret.
B: No, I didn't. But it seems I can't convince you. Maybe we can discuss this later.

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