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delightful /charming /wonderful?
Message de lethidee posté le 16-04-2005 à 12:07:14 (S | E | F | I)

Can we use these words :
to talk about a person or is there a difference in the meaning ?
Thanks a lot
Edité par bridg le 16-04-2005 12:21

Réponse: delightful /charming /wonderful? de jardin62, postée le 16-04-2005 à 21:26:23 (S | E)

I should describe a voice, a smile, a sight as delightful.
I think an idea can be wonderful, a person too!
A charming person ?... Prince Charming...A charming child -adorable- a charming house is lovely of course!

Réponse: delightful /charming /wonderful? de gewurz, postée le 17-04-2005 à 01:35:35 (S | E)
a person, a personality can also be delightful (= charming)

Réponse: delightful /charming /wonderful? de errol2005, postée le 17-04-2005 à 08:27:23 (S | E)
Hi Lethidee
Yes, all three words can be used. You can say: a delightful/charming/wonderful person. All three are fine, and all three mean more or less the same, in other words "a nice person"
P.S. I hope you got my message about the mix-up with my account.

Réponse: delightful /charming /wonderful? de americanchick5, postée le 18-04-2005 à 00:26:53 (S | E)
Yes, all three words can be used, but there are slight differences!

Wonderful is the most general term, it can be used to mean great, super, etc. You can have a wonderful person, garden, beach, conversation, movie, etc etc etc!

Delightful is simply a more whimsical word that basically means wonderful or great.

Charming is a little different. It describes something quaint or pleasant. When a person is referred to as charming, it means they have the ability to make you feel special and adored, ie. Prince Charming.

Réponse: delightful /charming /wonderful? de traviskidd, postée le 19-04-2005 à 21:42:53 (S | E)
We ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare;
We're just technologically impaired.

-- Weird Al Yankovic, "Amish Paradise"

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