Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23
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Message de here4u posté le 29-12-2024 à 22:58:26 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!
🎄 🎉 Another easy exercice that everyone can do! 🎉 🎄
Je sais que l'Expression libre est la compétence la plus difficile à bien acquérir dans l'apprentissage d'une langue, même si elle est notre langue maternelle, d'ailleurs...
Certains m’avaient dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.
) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous pouvez répondre.
1. 'Where there's a will, there's a way...' Do you agree?
2. Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
3. Do you prefer British English or American English?
4. For you, is it easier to forget, or to forgive?
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez, jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 150 mots.
Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une première série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… Une fois la première réponse corrigée au mieux, je publierai ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc ! ) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler de plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons ! 
Cet exercice sera pour vous un
en fonction de la qualité de vos écrits et des difficultés (surmontées) dans la prestation... 
Cet exercice sera corrigé (j'espère !)le lundi 13 janvier 2025 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Message de here4u posté le 29-12-2024 à 22:58:26 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!
🎄 🎉 Another easy exercice that everyone can do! 🎉 🎄
Je sais que l'Expression libre est la compétence la plus difficile à bien acquérir dans l'apprentissage d'une langue, même si elle est notre langue maternelle, d'ailleurs...
Certains m’avaient dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.

De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous pouvez répondre.
1. 'Where there's a will, there's a way...' Do you agree?
2. Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
3. Do you prefer British English or American English?
4. For you, is it easier to forget, or to forgive?
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez, jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 150 mots.

Cet exercice sera pour vous un

Cet exercice sera corrigé (j'espère !)le lundi 13 janvier 2025 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de here4u, postée le 30-12-2024 à 15:47:07 (S | E)
WOW! You're fast!

Please, indicate possible mistakes an underline what looks clumsy to you...
ANSWER A: TOPIC4: For you, is is easier to forget, or to forgive
As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't like conflict. If someone has hurt me, I tell him or her clearly what I think.
Then, even if I don't forget the wrongdoing or the criticism I suffered, I avoid thinking about it. I just enrich my experience, with the bad things that happen to me. I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward.
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2 Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a bit of money and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. Both in France and abroad. Sometimes, I decide at the last minute when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I document and note everything there is to see in that country.
All these trips have enriched me intellectually, and I've learned more by traveling than I ever did at school. What's more, I have unforgettable memories.
HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎆 🎉 🎈 🎊 🎉

Thanks for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de gerold, postée le 02-01-2025 à 13:00:48 (S | E)
ANSWER A: TOPIC4: For you, is is easier to forget, or to forgive
As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't like conflict. If someone has hurt me, I tell him or her clearly what I think. (contradiction?)
Then, even if I don't forget the wrongdoing or the criticism I suffered, I avoid thinking about it. I just enrich my experience, with the bad things that happen to me. I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward.
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2 Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a bit of money and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. Both in France and abroad (it's not a sentence). Sometimes, I decide at the last minute when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I document and note everything there is to see in that country.
All these trips have enriched me intellectually, and I've learned more by traveling than I ever did at school. What's more, I have xx unforgettable memories.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de here4u, postée le 02-01-2025 à 23:23:54 (S | E)
Hello dears!
Green allowed.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de magie8, postée le 03-01-2025 à 11:01:40 (S | E)
ANSWER A: TOPIC4: For you, is it easier to forget, or to forgive
Essai d'amelioration selon les indications de Gerold que je remercie pour son aide precieuse
As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't like( clashes. If someone has hurt me, I tell him or her clearly my ( disappointment that's all..
Then, even if I don't forget the (malfeasance or the criticism I suffered, I avoid thinking about it. Enduring nastiness becomes experience. I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward.
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2 Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a bit of money and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. (I travel as much in France as abroad. Sometimes, I decide at the last minute when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I( research and note everything there is to see in the country.
All these trips have enriched me (culturally, and I've learned more by (travelling than I ever did at school. What's more, I have the unforgettable memories.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de here4u, postée le 07-01-2025 à 21:26:52 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is the following Expression.
ANSWER B: please, indicate mistakes and underline what looks clumsy.

My passion in life is music. I love all the musics. I can spend a all day and night to listen music. I like the groove and the swing. I don't like classical music, it's depressing and it speaks about the past. Modern music speak about the present and I would like inventing a new swinging music but I can't because I don't know the music theory. I would like writing wild music and even form a little orchestra. My friends would play guitar and drums and I would sing because I don't sing bad. I don't think we would do a disc quickly because to have success must be difficult. It's my passion. It's my dream, and I want to succeed.
130 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de gerold, postée le 08-01-2025 à 11:00:32 (S | E)
ANSWER B: please, indicate mistakes and underline what looks clumsy.
My passion in life is music. I love all the musics. I can spend a all day and night to listen xx music. I like the groove and the swing. I don't like classical music, it's depressing and it speaks about the past. Modern music speak about the present and I would like inventing a new swinging music but I can't because I don't know the music theory. I would like writing wild music and even form a little orchestra. My friends would play guitar and drums and I would sing because I don't sing bad. I don't think we would do a disc quickly because to have success must be difficult. It's my passion. It's my dream, and I want to succeed.
130 words
Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de gerold, postée le 08-01-2025 à 11:15:26 (S | E)
Hello (again)!

ANSWER A: TOPIC4: For you, is is easier to forget, or to forgive
Essai d'amelioration selon les indications de Gerold que je remercie pour son aide precieuse
As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't like( clashes. If someone has hurt me, I tell him or her clearly my ( disappointment that's all..
Then, even if I don't forget the (malfeasance or the criticism I suffered, I avoid thinking about it. Enduring nastiness becomes experience. I would have reversed the original sentence: The bad things that happen to me just enrich my experience.I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward.
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2 Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a bit of money and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. (I travel as much in France as abroad. Sometimes, I decide at the last minute when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I( research/gather information (not sure about "research" in this context) and note everything there is to see in the country.
All these trips have enriched me (culturally/my intellect, and I've learned more by (travelling than I ever did at school. What's more, I have got (au sens d'acquérir) unforgettable memories.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de magie8, postée le 09-01-2025 à 04:36:30 (S | E)
Hello c'est peut- etre trop tot pour mettre en vert mais comme les volontaires sont rares, je fais quand je peux
ANSWER B: please, indicate mistakes and underline what looks clumsy.
My passion in life is music. I love all () musics. I can spend ( day and night long listening ( to music. I like ( grooving and swinging to music. I don't like classical music, it's depressing and it (mentions about the past. Modern music ( mentions about the present and I would like (to invent a new swinging music but I can't because I don't know the music theory. I would like writing wild music and even ( create a little orchestra. My friends would play guitar and drums and I would sing because I ( am quite a good singer. I don't think we would do a disc quickly because ( success doesn't come easily. It's my passion. It's my dream, and I want to succeed.
130 words
Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de gerold, postée le 12-01-2025 à 12:12:39 (S | E)

ANSWER B: please, indicate mistakes and underline what looks clumsy.
My passion in life is music. I love all kinds of music (music is uncountable) (except for classical music?). I can spend ( day and night long listening ( to music. I like ( grooving and swinging/groove and swing (no articles)
Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de here4u, postée le 13-01-2025 à 23:55:04 (S | E)
Hello Dears,

Here is the beginning of your correction. I don't think I'll have enough time to post it totally tonight. Sorry...
ANSWER A: TOPIC 4: For you, is is easier to forget, or to forgive : my preliminary indications.
As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't (like conflict. If someone has hurt me, I tell (him or her clearly what I think.
Then, even if I don't forget the wrongdoing or the criticism I suffered xxxx, I avoid thinking about it. I just enrich my experience, with the bad things that happen to me. I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all XXX negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward.TTB
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2: Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a bit of money and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. (ponctuation ?)Both in France and abroad. Sometimes, I decide at the last minute when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I document and note everything there is to see in that country.
All these trips have enriched me intellectually, and I've learned more by traveling than I ever did at school. What's more, I have unforgettable memories. TTB
ANSWER A: TOPIC 4: For you, is is easier to forget, or to forgive: Gerold's indications
As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't like conflict. If someone has hurt me, I tell him or her clearly what I think. (contradiction?)
Then, even if I don't forget the wrongdoing or the criticism I suffered, I avoid thinking about it. I just enrich my experience, with the bad things that happen to me. I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward.
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2 Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a bit of money and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. Both in France and abroad (it's not a sentence)OUI ! Il faut revoir la ponctuation. Sometimes, I decide at the last minute when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I document and note everything there is to see in that country.
All these trips have enriched me intellectually, and I've learned more by traveling than I ever did at school. What's more, I have xx ( ?)unforgettable memories. De bonnes remarques.
ANSWER A: TOPIC 4: For you, is is easier to forget, or to forgive. Magie's suggestions.
Essai d'amelioration selon les indications de Gerold que je remercie pour son aide precieuse
As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't like( clashes.OK If someone has hurt me, I tell (him or her clearly my ( disappointment that's all..revoir la construction.
Then, even if I don't forget the (malfeasanceNON ! or the criticism I sufferedXXXX, I avoid thinking about it. I just enrich my experience, with the bad things that happen to me. I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward.
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2 Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a bit of money and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. (I travel as much in France as abroad. Sometimes, I decide at the last minute when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I( research and note everything there is to see in the country.
All these trips have enriched me (culturally, and I've learned more by (travelling than I ever did at school. What's more, I have the unforgettable memories. De bonnes corrections Bravo !
ANSWER A: TOPIC 4: For you, is is easier to forget, or to forgive?
Magie's: Essai d'amelioration selon les indications de Gerold que je remercie pour son aide precieuse

As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't like( clashes/ conflicts (1). If someone has hurt me, I tell him or her clearly my ( disappointment that's all..
Then, even if I don't forget the (malfeasance or the criticism I suffered XXXX, I avoid thinking about it. Enduring nastiness becomes experience. I would have reversed the original sentence: The bad things that happen to me just enrich my experience( Nettement mieux !) .I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward. TB
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2 Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a bit of money (2) and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. (I travel as much in France as abroad. Sometimes, I decide at the last minute when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I( research/gather information Oui, je préfère ! (not sure about "research" in this context) and note everything there is to see in the country.
All these trips have enriched me (culturally

(1) Je pense que ce n’est pas le mot ‘conflict’ qui gênait gerold (et moi), mais le fait qu'il’ait été mis seul ! c’était soit ‘a conflict’ ou mieux ‘conflicts’ – d’ailleurs ceci a bien été senti avec 'clashes', mis directement au pluriel.

(2) Ce ‘a bit of money ‘ me gêne, mais tu as raison, il est correct et s’entend. J’aurais vraiment préféré ‘a little money’, plus « académique » !
- wrongdoing n uncountable (criminal behaviour) méfaits nmpl, fautes nfpl
The police will discipline anybody who is guilty of wrongdoing.
wrongdoing n (morally wrong act): méfait nm, faute nf
The politician denied any wrongdoing and refused to resign.
- At the last minute./ a last-minute booking/
- all there is to see/ everything to see/ all you need to see/ all that needs to be seen/

initial text and my preliminary indications:
My passion in life is music. I love all the musics. I can spend a all day and night to listen music. I like the groove and the swing. I don't like classical music, it's depressing and it speaks about the past. Modern music speak about the present and I would like inventing

130 words
Quelques grosses erreurs qui seront corrigées, sans aucun doute...
ANSWER B: gerold's indications.
My passion in life is music. I love all the musics. I can spend a all day and night to listen xx music. I like the groove and the swing. I don't like classical music, it's depressing and it speaks about the past. Modern music speak about the present and I would like inventing a new swinging music but I can't because I don't know the music theory. I would like writing wild music and even form a little orchestra. My friends would play guitar and drums and I would sing because I don't sing bad. I don't think we would do a disc quickly because to have success must be difficult. It's my passion. It's my dream, and I want to succeed.
130 words
Magie8 a écrit, Hello c'est peut- être trop tôt pour mettre en vert mais comme les volontaires sont rares, je fais quand je peux

ANSWER B: Magie's indications and suggestions.
My passion in life is music. I love all () musics. I can spend ( day and night long listening ( to music. I like ( grooving and swinging
130 words
ANSWER B: Gerold's further suggestions after Magie started suggesting...
My passion in life is music. I love all kinds of music (music is uncountable) (except for classical music?). I can spend ( day and night long listening ( to music. I like ( grooving and swinging/groove and swing (no articles) to music. I don't like classical music, it's depressing and it (mentions

- Beaucoup de corrections élémentaires (étourderie?) qui ont bien été repérées et corrigées.
- Yes, music is uncountable. (For me, no exception regarding 'classical music')
- Attention à 'like', toujours suivi d'un INFINITIF au conditionnel: I would like to create...
- le solfège: solfege, solfeggio, music theory (not determined, unless it is by the end of the sentence...)
Je voulais vous rappeler la possibilité, qui existe toujours de me redonner une phrase, ou la totalité d'une réponse en 'Follow up Work'! Avec des
travailleurs aussi sérieux que vous, il n'est pas nécessaire de répéter si souvent !

Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de magie8, postée le 14-01-2025 à 06:08:54 (S | E)
Hello follow up THANK YOU
As far as I'm concerned, I forgive easily, because I don't like( clashes. If someone has hurt me, I ( clearly tell (him or he my disappointment that's all..
Then, even if I don't forget the (nastiness or the criticism I suffered (from, I avoid thinking about it. The bad things that happened to me just enrich my experience. I don't want to burden my mind with revenge or grudges ...
I reject all negative thoughts that would prevent me from moving forward.
ANSWER A: TOPIC 2 Do you have a passion in life? What is it?
My great passion is travelling.
As soon as I have a little money and a few days off, I go and visit some exceptional sites. (I travel as much in France as abroad. Sometimes, I decide a last minute booking, when I see an interesting offer in a travel agency. More often, I prepare months in advance and I choose a destination, I( gather information, and note (all there is to see in the country.
All these trips have enriched me ( culturally, and I've learned more by (travelling than I ever did at school. What's more, I ( keep unforgettable memories.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de gerold, postée le 14-01-2025 à 07:40:26 (S | E)
Hello and

Topic 2
ANSWER B: Gerold's further suggestions after Magie started suggesting...
My passion in life is music. I love all kinds of music (music is uncountable) (except for classical music?). I can spend ( day and night listening ( to music. I like groove and swing I don't like classical music, it's depressing and it evokes the past. Modern music evokes the present and I would like (to invent a new swinging music but I can't because I don't know the music theory. I would like to write wild music and even to create (or start) a little band. My friends would play the guitar and drums and I would sing because I (am quite a good singer. I don't think we would quickly make a record because success doesn't come easily. It's my passion. It's my dream, and I want to succeed.
I had forgotten: NO -ing after would (or should) like!
Réponse : Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 de here4u, postée le 14-01-2025 à 12:35:49 (S | E)
Hello dears,

To Magie: Apart from your personal pronouns (see Addendum at the end of ANSWER A) uour Follow up is perfect! Congrats!

To Gerold: Congrats too!

pour tous: ne pas oublier - to play the guitar/ the piano... bien que l'omission de l'article soit souvent entendue...


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