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Playing with words /44

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Playing with words /44
Message de here4u posté le 06-06-2023 à 17:38:53 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!

Voici votre nouveau challenge ! "Playing and working with words"... La date limite pour cet exercice est fin juin 2023.
Je vous rappelle que cet exercice a des règles qui doivent être respectées. Lisez-les bien si vous ne les connaissez pas ! Ce travail est loin d'être un jeu ... mais il peut être très ludique ... Il vous laisse également toute liberté de choisir votre thème !

Using THE 8 WORDS given below (the 2 verbs can be put in whatever tenses or forms you fancy but MUST remain verbs!), 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, + a given structure and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE. "Easy", isn't it? (In fact, it's more easily said than done and advanced learners or natives can step in!! )

- You CANNOT change the nature of the words!
- You CANNOT use two or more compulsory words consecutively!

PLEASE, WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR SENTENCE, PUT CAPITALS TO THE GIVEN WORDS! [and specify the number of words at the end.]

Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens. (Il ne doit y avoir qu'UN SEUL POINT dans votre phrase - à la fin.) Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, mais courte... Je le répète : elle doit avoir un sens et sa logique interne !
Cet exercice est TRES difficile, c'est pourquoi il demande beaucoup de réflexion et d'attention, de rigueur aussi dans l'application des règles. Vous ne devez le poster QU'UNE FOIS (ne faire qu'un seul exemplaire).
Pour que chacun ait la possibilité de travailler avec nous, cet exercice a des niveaux différents. Vous pouvez choisir celui qui vous convient :

Le niveau fera une seule phrase en moins de 80 mots.
Le niveau une seule phrase et toujours 60 mots, au plus.
Le niveau **, pour les plus habiles, fera une phrase de moins de 40 mots ...
I'm sure you'll have inspiration...

Here are the words:

- To HALT – To JUGGLE – a PLANT - a SHORTAGE – DAILY – TINY – SINCE – WHOEVER + une absence d'obligation.

Lien internet

C'est parti pour une " très jolie phrase correcte et courte ! "
May THE FORCE be with all of us!

Réponse : Playing with words /44 de icare29, postée le 08-06-2023 à 18:13:29 (S | E)
Hello dear Here4u , here is my sentence

To HALT ? To JUGGLE ? a PLANT - a SHORTAGE ? DAILY ? TINY ? SINCE ? WHOEVER une absence d'obligation.

On account of the SHORTAGE of manpower, WHOEVER wants to work in garden centre NEEDN'T know the names of every PLANT,even TINY plants,SINCE he can look these ones up in dictionary
he has to do a DAILY training to JUGGLE with, not HALT facing difficulties .38 words

Thanks a lot for your correction.

Réponse : Playing with words /44 de amalia80, postée le 09-06-2023 à 08:00:51 (S | E)
Hello !
Here is my sentence; thank you for the correction.
WHOEVER wants to JUGGLE the challenges of ecology can imitate my neighbour who, SINCE the water SHORTAGE , and to HALT his excessive consumption, has planted his TINY garden with PLANTS that NEED NOT be watered DAILY. 36 words

Réponse : Playing with words /44 de melena53, postée le 16-06-2023 à 20:05:03 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
Here is my sentence (hoping not to get a too bad sentence)
Again have a good weekend

SINCE the water SHORTAGE, it is better to JUGGLE our priorities and HALT the waste and this for WHOEVER has a conscience even a TINY: need we really water DAILY our PLANT?
32 words

Réponse : Playing with words /44 de mad14, postée le 26-06-2023 à 11:56:28 (S | E)
Good morning Here4U. It's an utopian sentence...

Ever SINCE 1980, we have attempted DAILY to HALT warming climate! Farming has to JUGGLE several things: produce while fearing a water SHORTAGE of which the PLANTS need; WHOEVER you are you needn't do a great deed, just a TINY'one. (40 words)

Réponse : Playing with words /44 de here4u, postée le 26-06-2023 à 23:12:19 (S | E)

Still a few days to give us your best sentence.

Réponse : Playing with words /44 de here4u, postée le 30-06-2023 à 15:56:00 (S | E)
Hello, dear writers!

Voici vos phrases toujours corrigées a minima afin de ne pas vous trahir ! Pénurie d'eau, ou de main-d'oeuvre, vous vous nourrissez de l'actualité !
Bien remarquer "to JUGGLE something" !

- On account of the SHORTAGE of manpower, WHOEVER wants to work in garden centres NEEDN'T know the names of every PLANT, even TINY ones, SINCE they can look them up in herbaria; they have to do a DAILY training to JUGGLE difficult names, never HALT facing difficulties. (38 words)

- WHOEVER wants to JUGGLE the challenges of ecology can imitate my neighbour who, SINCE the water SHORTAGE and to HALT his excessive consumption, has planted his TINY garden with PLANTS that NEED NOT be watered DAILY. (36 words)

- SINCE the water SHORTAGE, it is better to JUGGLE our priorities and HALT waste and this for WHOEVER has a conscience even a TINY one; need we really water our PLANTS twice a day, or even DAILY? (35 words)

- Ever SINCE 1980, DAILY, we have attempted to HALT global warming. Farming has to JUGGLE several things: produce while fearing a SHORTAGE of the water PLANTS need; WHOEVER you are you needn't do a great deed, just a TINY one. (41 words)

Very well done!


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