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EOC/Locations and Forms of power

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EOC/Locations and Forms of power
Message de wormard posté le 18-11-2017 à 17:07:46 (S | E | F)
Je dois faire une EOC en anglais pour la semaine prochaine sur la notion "locations and forms of power". Pouvez-vous me dire s'il y a des fautes s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance!

I'm going to talk about the notion Locations and forms of power. First I would like to give a short definition of power, it's the capacity to exercice control over other people. We will especially interested by the power of images. One may wonder to what extend can images be a reliable means of expression. I will illustrate the notion thanks different documents.

First, in class, we saw an Oral comprehension entitled The potential power of an image who present us the power of image during the syrian war with several example. A photo of Aylan kurdi a little syrian boy refugee who was found dead on a Turkish shore was shared many time everywhere in the world allowed to increased donations for unicef by six hundred and thirty six percent.
For an other example, the photo of Orman a 5-years old boy was shared many time because in this photo we can see he was hurt probably by a bomb but he don't cry, he have a face without any emotion and this shock a lot of people. Thanks to these shocking pictures, the condition of syrian people are more known and allowed to make their situations evolve.

Then, we saw an other document untitled “The red Iceberg”. It's a front cover of a comic books, drawn during the cold war, were we can see a red iceberg whith the symbol of communism and behind we can see Uncle sam on an USA boat like the titanic, heading straight to the iceberg. This front cover is an image of propaganda because she was published by an anti-communist group who want to show us that america are stronger than communism and isn't afraid. As a contrary to the first document, this image is not a reliable means of expression because it's a downright propaganda create to make Americans love their country and to influence amercican boys, it's manipulation and so, it isn't reliable.

At last, I saw an other document who was a photo. It represent smith and Carlos two afro american athletes during the olympic games at mexico in 1968 on the victory stand. They raised their fists and bowed their heads, their have black gloves, it's a black power demonstrations. This photo have shocked all the US because in this time, the situation of black people are not the same that today. Indeed, they are a lot of racism and so It's for that who Smith and Carlos doing this act, to protest against the racial violence in US. This photo answer the issue because allowed to gather afro americans and fight against racism.

To conclude, all the documennts correspond well to the problematic but I especially prefer the red iceberg because it realizes that the images can also have for aim to minipulate us. Images can be a reliable means of expression and convey important reality to the world, but they can also manipulate our mind.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2017 18:51

Réponse : EOC/Locations and Forms of power de here4u, postée le 18-11-2017 à 23:45:05 (S | E)
hello !

I'm going to talk about the notion "Locations and forms of power". First I would like to give a short definition of power, it's the capacity to exercice control over other people. We will especially XXc'est une forme passive, mais où est l'auxiliaire? ) interested by the power of images. One may wonder to what extend can images bemélange d'interrogative directe et indirecte! ) a reliable means of expression. I will illustrate the notion thanks XX different documents.

First, in class, we saw an Oral comprehension entitled The potential power of an image who present(mauvais pronom rematif +
us the power of image during the syrian war with several example. A photo of Aylan kurdi a little syrian boy refugee who was found dead on a Turkish shore, was shared many time everywhere in the world (revoir la construction) allowed to increased donations for unicef by six hundred and thirty six percent.
For an other example, the photo of Orman a 5-years old boy was shared many time because in this photo we can see he was hurt probably by a bomb but he don't cry, he have a face without any emotion and this shock a lot of people. Thanks to these shocking pictures, the condition of syrian people are more known mal dit!)and allowed to make their situations evolve.

Then, we saw an other document untitled “The red Iceberg”. It's a front cover of a comic books, drawn during the cold war, were we can see a red iceberg whith the symbol of communism and behind we can see Uncle sam on an USA boat like the titanic, heading straight to the iceberg. This front cover is an image of propaganda because she was published by an anti-communist group who want to show us that america are stronger than communism and isn't afraid. As a contrary to the first document, this image is not a reliable means of expression because it's a downright propaganda create to make Americans love their country and to influence amercican boys, it's A manipulation and so, it isn't reliable.

At last, I saw an other document who was a photo. It represent smith and Carlos two afro american athletes during the olympic games at mexico in 1968 on the victory stand. They raised their fists and bowed their heads, their have black gloves, it's a black power demonstrations. This photo have shocked all the US because in this time, the situation of black people are(Gr et temps!) not the same that today. Indeed, they are a lot of racism and so It's for that who = "that's why" Smith and Carlos doing this act, to protest against the racial violence in XXX US. This photo answer the issue because allowed to gather afro americans (il manque le sujet du vebe !)and fight against racism.

To conclude, all the documennts correspond well to the problematic but I especially prefer the red iceberg because it realizes that the images can also have for aim to minipulate us(revoir la construction!). Images can be a reliable means of expression and convey important reality to the world, but they can also manipulate our mindS.


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