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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de aurelienworks posté le 21-03-2019 à 16:28:57 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous corriger ces phrases s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

1) The chick escaped from the farm. It is in the pasture.

2) It’s an humble man, he lives in a hut

3) This wooden crate weigh a lot! This is so heavy !

4) Why did he require such a detailed report ?

5) He’s trying to catch fishes with an old fishing rod

6) The servant is hiding amid courtiers on the market square.

7) It’s a powerful man. He just etablished a new company in Brazil.

8) He growed up so fast ! He remind me of my grandfather now !

9) On the first hand i don’t want to work for this company, and on the other hand i don’t like this country so much.

10) In a way, this trainee is better than his tutor.

11) Do you have this second-hand gascooker’s bill ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-03-2019 23:06

Réponse : Correction/phrases de gerondif, postée le 21-03-2019 à 16:51:50 (S | E)
1) The chick escaped from the farm. It is in the pasture.

2) It’s an(h aspiré) humble man, he lives in a hut

3) This wooden crate weigh(le S du présent !!) a lot! This is so heavy !(this annonce ce qui va suivre or crate a été mentionné avant)

4) Why did he require such a detailed report ?

5) He’s trying to catch fishes with an old fishing rod (fish est normalement collectif, fishes signifie différentes espèces de poisson)

6) The servant is hiding amid(médiéval !!) courtiers on the market square.

7) It’s (he is) a powerful man. He just established a new company in Brazil.

8) He growed( to grow, I grew, grown) up so fast ! He remind le S !!) me of my grandfather now !

9) On the first hand i(toujours en MAJUSCULES) don’t want to work for this company, and on the other hand i don’t like this country so much (that much, à ce point).

10) In a way, this trainee is better than his tutor.

11) Do you have this second-hand gascooker’s bill ? (normalement, un objet ne peut être propriétaire avec un génitif en 's d'un autre objet ou personnage) Do you have the bill for that second-hand gascooker ?)

Réponse : Correction/phrases de aurelienworks, postée le 21-03-2019 à 18:05:30 (S | E)
1) The chick escaped from the farm. It is in the pasture.

2) It’s a humble man, he lives in a hut

3) This wooden crate weighs a lot! It's is so heavy !

4) Why did he require such a detailed report ?

5) He’s trying to catch fish with an old fishing rod.

6) The servant is hiding among courtiers on the market square. (je ne savais pas que amid était si vieilli ! je l'ai lu dans un article sur CNN il n'y a pas si longtemps

7) It’s (he is) a powerful man. He just established a new company in Brazil.

8) He grew up so fast ! He reminds me of my grandfather now !

9) On the first hand I don’t want to work for this company, and on the other hand I don’t like this country that much.

10) In a way, this trainee is better than his tutor.

11) Do you have the bill for that second-hand gascooker ?

Réponse : Correction/phrases de gerondif, postée le 21-03-2019 à 18:10:32 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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