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Text /my wife

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Text /my wife
Message de emile59 posté le 15-04-2019 à 23:06:05 (S | E | F)
Pour être honnête j'ai construit ce petit texte pour mon épouse qui doit présenter un petit texte à l'université du troisième âge en Belgique.
Merci pour votre correction.

Childhood memories.
When I was a young girl (about sixteen years old), I liked dancing with my friends on Saturdays and reading police novels sometimes during the week instead of doing my homework.
Since my childhood I have loved swimming thank to my father.It is him who learned me to swim at the swimming pool of the city.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2019 09:39

Réponse : Text /my wife de vaiana, postée le 15-04-2019 à 23:26:53 (S | E)

Childhood memories.
When I was a young girl (about sixteen years old), I liked dancing with my friends on Saturdays and sometimes reading police novels (sometimes) during the week instead of doing my homework.
Since my childhood I have loved swimming thank to my father.(It is him who) = He learned (wrong verb: to teach someone to do something) me to swim at the (swimming pool of the) city pool.

Réponse : Text /my wife de emile59, postée le 16-04-2019 à 10:32:48 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana grand pour votre aide.

Réponse : Text /my wife de here4u, postée le 16-04-2019 à 10:43:28 (S | E)

Childhood memories.
When I was a young girl= a teenager (about sixteen (years old)), I liked dancing with my friends on Saturdays and reading police novelsdetective stories sometimes during the week instead of doing my homework.
Since my childhood I have loved swimming thank to my father.It is him who learned me how to swim at the swimming pool of the city.

It's him who= un calque du français ...

Réponse : Text /my wife de gerondif, postée le 16-04-2019 à 12:45:39 (S | E)
Aller hop, encore un autre point de vue !
Childhood memories.
When I was a young girl/teenager (about sixteen years old), I liked dancing (on pourrait penser au fréquentatif, I would dance) with my friends on Saturdays and (sometimes read / I would sometimes read) reading police novels (detective novels en effet) sometimes during the week instead of doing my homework.
Since my childhood (fait un peu français traduit. eversince I was a child ) I have loved swimming thank to my father.It is him who(ça devrait être was. On entendrait plutôt He was the one who..) learned( to teach, enseigner à l'autre. to learn apprendre de l'autre)me (how) to swim at the swimming pool of the city.(town-pool, city-pool)

Réponse : Text /my wife de emile59, postée le 16-04-2019 à 23:33:25 (S | E)
à vous deux Here4u et Gerondif sans oublier Vaiana pour vos aides complémentaires.
Juste une chose je ne parviens pas à differencier "since" et "ever since"
Pourriez vous me donner un exemple?
Merci à vous

Réponse : Text /my wife de gerondif, postée le 17-04-2019 à 20:52:22 (S | E)
ever since est juste plus fort que since.
C'est comme si en français, on comparait depuis et depuis le jour où, depuis le premier instant où.


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