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Help/marathon des sables

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Help/marathon des sables
Message de hayti posté le 28-05-2019 à 16:07:43 (S | E | F)
Velez Pouvez-vous s'il vous plait m'aider à trouver mes erreurs?
Merci pour vos réponses.
The 28Th Marathon des sables was held in April 2013 from 5 to 15 in the south of Morocco near ooziest, in the aim of collecting money for the poor. In that Marathon, 1017 men and women, aged up to 80 years, from all over the world crossed about 240 km .the main race challenges were:the care of basic supplies by competitors such as food, clothes, medical kit, sleeping bag, etc. And the distribution of water was after crossing every 10 km. In the end of marathon, Laurence Klein from France, in woman's race, and Mohammad Ahansal from Morocco, in men's race were the two winners. They received award as prize ceremony. To sum up,I think that this kind of event encourage people to practice sports, in particular jogging, have healthy life and discover the south of Morocco. Also, the economy of the country were developed by hosting many tourists.
Merci infiniment.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-05-2019 18:22

Réponse : Help/marathon des sables de here4u, postée le 28-05-2019 à 17:13:59 (S | E)
The 28Th "Marathon des Sables" was held in April 2013 (from 5th to 15th) in the south of Morocco near ooziest, in the aim of collecting money for the poor. In that Marathon, 1,017 men and women, aged up to 80 (years), from all over the world crossed about 240 km .the main race challenges were: the care of basic supplies by competitors such as food, clothes, medical kitS, sleeping bag, etc. And the distribution of water was after crossing every 10 km. In the end of XXX marathon, Laurence Klein from France, inxxx woman's race, and Mohammad Ahansal from Morocco, in xxx men's race were the two winners. They received award as prize ceremony. To sum up,I think that this kind of event encourage people to practice sports, in particular jogging(it's so much more than jogging!), have A healthy life and discover the south of Morocco. Also, the economy of the country were developed by hosting many tourists. Lien internet

Réponse : Help/marathon des sables de hayti, postée le 28-05-2019 à 20:25:15 (S | E)
Bonjour, thanks so much.


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