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Possession/pronoms réfléchis

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Possession/pronoms réfléchis
Message de mangini posté le 09-04-2020 à 09:37:58 (S | E | F)
Good morning everyone,
I have two small questions to subject to you. I studied the possession (the gerund) and the reflective pronouns those last days.

A. I read the first sentence watching a movie subtitled in English. I had not learnt this turn like that. So, the two following sentences can use itself indifferently ?
If I don’t see pictures of Sarah and LJ, I’m not going anywhere
If I don’t see Sarah and LJ’s pictures, I’m not going anywhere

B. I want to make the translation of this quotation : « L’homme meurt quand il cesse d’apprendre. » Is the use of the reflexive pronoun is necessary here ? I think that the two following sentences are possible, but with a small nuance. Can you confirm my reasoning ?
Man dies when he stops himself learning (L’homme meurt quand il s’arrête d’apprendre)
Man dies when he stops learning (L’homme meurt quand il arrête d’apprendre)

I’m sorry if there are mistakes, I wrote without a translator in order to learn.
I thank you again for your help. Have a nice day !

Réponse : Possession/pronoms réfléchis de gerondif, postée le 09-04-2020 à 18:15:19 (S | E)
I have two small questions to subject submit to you. I studied the possession (the gerund) and the reflective pronouns those last days. lately
A. I read the first sentence watching a movie subtitled in English. I had not learnt this turn like that to say it that way. So, can the two following sentences be used one for the other ? sentences can use itself indifferently ? NO.
If I don’t see pictures of Sarah and LJ, I’m not going anywhere : They are pictures representing Sarah and LJ.
If I don’t see Sarah and LJ’s pictures, I’m not going anywhere They are pictures belonging to them.

B. I want to make the translation of this quotation : « L’homme meurt quand il cesse d’apprendre. » Is the use of the reflexive pronoun is necessary here ? I think that the two following sentences are possible, but with a small nuance. Can you confirm my reasoning ?
Man dies when he stops himself learning (L’homme meurt quand il s’arrête d’apprendre)
Man dies when he stops learning (L’homme meurt quand il arrête d’apprendre)

Certaines tournures réfléchies en français ne le seront pas en anglais.
Je me rase : I am shaving.
Je me lave : I am washing
Je me fais cuire un oeuf.
I am boiling/frying an egg.
Je me demande pourquoi... I wonder why
Il s'arrêta de fumer : He stopped smoking.
Il s'arrêta de marcher pour fumer une cigarette.
He stopped walking to smoke a cigarette.
Va te faire voir ailleurs : Go away, piss off, f**k off.

Réponse : Possession/pronoms réfléchis de mangini, postée le 11-04-2020 à 10:51:57 (S | E)
Thank you so much for your help and for your correction.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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