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Message de axelhalfa posté le 29-03-2021 à 21:59:37 (S | E | F)
J'ai réalisé une rédaction sur "Les éléments qui font que j'apprécie un trailer",
j'aimerais savoir s'il était possible de regarder si mon texte ne comporte pas trop de fautes,
merci d'avance.

In my opinion, there are different way to define what is a good trailer, but some elements are really important.
In fact, one of the most important thing is the soundtrack. It must accompany well the different shot which has been chosen. Also, the trailer has to transmit us the different emotions which will occur during the film and it go through a good soundtrack.

In other way, the trailer has to give us the guideline of the film. Nevertheless, some points are important to be respected. Furthermore, it has to do not spoil us, the less it shows, the more attractive the movie is going to be. Yet, we have to be prepare to what will happen.

It exists different types of movies, drama, comedy, family movie and all these types require a trailer adapted. All the traveling, the reverse angle, what we can see in the foreground, the background of the trailer has to be thought about.

Personally, I really like when the trailer goes slowly first, with a calm and melancholic soundtrack to remind us the previous movies (if it exists) and go over cut and frame faster with finally a more dynamic soundtrack which just introduce us the plot.

For example, like we saw in class, I find that the best trailer was the trailer of The Last Avengers because it resumed all the different aspects that I like in a trailer with a good soundtrack and a good introduce to the plot of the film. Besides, I can relate that when there is a good casting, it’s easier to do a well-done trailer.

Merci beaucoup pour les personnes qui prendront le temps de jeter un coups d'œil sur mon texte.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-03-2021 22:12

Réponse : Correction/Trailer de laure95, postée le 30-03-2021 à 12:04:21 (S | E)
- what is a good trailer: ordre des mots: interrogative indirecte: mot interrogatif + sujet + verbe conjugué + complément.
- one of the most important thing (mettre ce mot au pluriel)is the soundtrack.
- the different shot which has been chosen: mettre tout au pluriel.
- it go: faute de conjugaison.

- In (article) other way,
- it has to do not spoil us: mal dit et mal construit.
- to be prepare (participe passé)

- a trailer adapted: ordre des mots.
- All the traveling, the reverse angle, what we can see in the foreground, the background of the trailer has (pluriel)to be thought about.

- a more dynamic soundtrack which just introduce (faute de conjugaison) us the plot.

- like (like + nom) we saw in class,
- it resumed (pas le bon mot) all the different aspects
- a good introduce (introduce est un verbe, pas un nom)to the plot of the film.

Réponse : Correction/Trailer de axelhalfa, postée le 30-03-2021 à 14:18:10 (S | E)
En reprenant les différents points que vous aviez noté, j'ai modifié mes fautes, si vous pouvez me redonner votre avis.
Merci encore.

In my opinion, there are different way to define what a good trailer is, but some elements are really important.

In fact, one of the most important things is the soundtrack. It must accompany well the different shot which have been chosen. Also, the trailer has to transmit us the different emotions which will occur during the film and it went through a good soundtrack.

In another way, the trailer has to give us the guideline of the film. Nevertheless, some points are important to be respected. Furthermore, it must don’t spoil, the less it shows, the more attractive the movie is going to be. Yet, we have to be prepared to what will happen.

It exists different types of movies, drama, comedy, family movie and all these types require an adapted trailer. All the traveling, the reverse angle, what we can see in the foreground, the background of the trailer have to be thought about.

Personally, I really like when the trailer goes slowly first, with a calm and melancholic soundtrack to remind us the previous movies (if it exists) and go over cut and frame faster with finally a more dynamic soundtrack which just introduced us the plot.

For example, like we saw, I find that the best trailer was the trailer of The Last Avengers because it presented all the different aspects that I like in a trailer with a good soundtrack and a good introduction to the plot of the film. Besides, I can relate that when there is a good casting, it’s easier to do a well-done trailer.

Réponse : Correction/Trailer de laure95, postée le 31-03-2021 à 10:45:26 (S | E)
In fact, one of the most important things is the (enlever the)soundtrack.
- the different shot (pluriel)which have been chosen.
- Also, the trailer has to transmit us the different emotions which will occur during the film and it went (mettre au présent)through a good soundtrack.

- it must don’t spoil: it doesn't have to spoil
- traveling: je mettrais 2 "l"
- a more dynamic soundtrack which just introduced (présent simple) us the plot.

- like we saw : pour traduire "comme" suivi d'une structure sujet + verbe conjugué, il faut utiliser "as".

Réponse : Correction/Trailer de gerold, postée le 31-03-2021 à 11:25:30 (S | E)

In my opinion, there are different way (pluriel) ...

... introduced us the plot. to introduce somebody to something


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