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McCann’s (correction) (1)

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McCann’s (correction)
Message de elo-die posté le 06-11-2007 à 20:07:38 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour, j'ai une rédaction à écrire! En effet, il fallait que je choisisse un sujet d'actualité et que j'en parle! Voila mon sujet, mais il y'a plusieurs erreurs, et expressions que je n'arrive pas à traduire! Pouvez vous me corriger, et m'aider?

This article was writing by Patrick Foster. ( Il traite? ) about the story of McCann’s. In fact, Gerry McCann returned to his job Thursday first November for the first time since his daughter Madeleine, went missing. (depuis que sa fille a disparu?)
A spokesman for Glenfield Hospital said that Mr. McCann will be treated like all other staff having to leave his employment for one given length of time malgré le fait qu’il ne travaille pas à temps plein.
The Spanish private detective agency, Metodo 3, continue her researches to help with the hunt for McCann’s daughter having been seen in the Moroccan village of fnidk on august 21 by Naoual Malhi, a Spanish woman of Moroccan origin.
Mr. McCann explain that he felt able to return to his job because he thinks that he did (tout son possible?) to establish the search for Madeleine at six months. He said that all his colleagues were fantastic in their support and he sent their text messages saying that he had spent a quiet morning settling back into his administrative and academic roles. He specialises in the imaging and interpretation of MRI scans and holds a grant from the British heart foundation for research into applying the techniques to patients with narrowed heart valves.
Dough Skehan, clinical director of the hospital’s cardio respiratory directorate said that Mr McCann’s will return to full-time clinical care by the new year.
I think that it’s good that he is going back to work for his own sanity's sake. Those who openly criticise the McCann's for not accepting that their daughter might be dead clearly have not loved anyone more than themselves. Their sad selfishness suggests a lack of empathy consistent with people with deep rooted issues themselves. The McCann's are right to keep the hope going.

Modifié par bridg le 06-11-2007 20:13


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