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Help me please for tense & grammar (1)

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Help me please for tense & grammar
Message de kimi998 posté le 16-11-2007 à 20:48:27 (S | E | F | I)

Last summer, we spent our holidays in Indonesia.
First, we arrived in Hong Kong and have stayed at my sister’s house.
We were very happy to see again my sister and her family because it was more than one year, we didn’t see them.
In Hong Kong, we have visited throughout the city, and above all we have done a lot of shopping.
We have stayed only a week in Hong Kong.
Then we went to Bali all together with my sister’s family.
Bali is a wonderful place and more attractive than Hong Kong : traffic jam, luxury store, tourist, urbanization, it made me think of Paris.

Fortunately, the island is great. We visited the center of the island.
The seabed are magnificent.
After Bali, we went to Lambok and have stayed one week. Lambok is one of the islands of Indonesia.

Our hotel is just in front of the beach. Throughout the day there were a lot of activities like surfing, canoeing, Beach volleyball, and so on....
We visited the island by renting tandems, etc.
So I really spent a great holiday with my family.

Réponse: Help me please for tense & grammar de jean31, postée le 17-11-2007 à 11:12:00 (S | E)

Tu racontes un événement vécu, donc terminé et daté : en conséquence, c'est le preterit qui doit être employé.
Sauf quand une action passée a eu lieu avant une autre, auquel cas tu emploies le past perfect.
Ex. ...because it was more than one year we hadn't seen them.
Allez, relis-toi attentivement et reviens poster ton texte rectifié

Réponse: Help me please for tense & grammar de kimi998, postée le 19-11-2007 à 22:44:16 (S | E)
Merci Jean31 de votre réponse, je reposte une nouvelle version corrigé. Merci d'ance de votre aide

Help me please for tense & grammar

Last summer, we spent our holidays in Indonesia.
First, we arrived in Hong Kong and stayed at my sister’s house.
We were very happy to see again my sister and her family because it was more than one year,we hadn’t seen them.
In Hong Kong, we visited throughout the city, and above all we did a lot of
shopping. We stayed only a week in Hong Kong.
Then we went to Bali all together with my sister’s family.
Bali was a wonderful place and more attractive than Hong Kong : traffic jam, luxury store, tourist, urbanization, it made me think of Paris.

Fortunately, the island was great. We visited the center of the island.
The seabed were magnificent.
After Bali, we went to Lambok and stayed one week.
Lambok was one of the islands of Indonesia.

Our hotel was just in front of the beach. Throughout the day
there were a lot of activities like surfing, canoeing,
Beach volleyball, and so on....
We visited the island by renting tandems, etc.
So I really spent a great holiday with my family.


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