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Suspense in books and films (1)

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Suspense in books and films
Message de yo2191 posté le 16-12-2008 à 17:54:12 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, est-ce que vous pourriez me corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît.
Merci par avance

Le sujet porte sur le suspense

On one hand, it is true that films with suspense as thrillers are very attractive.
Indeed, the directors are very talented, the story is always steered well that’s why we did not suspect the end. He creates for it a stressful atmosphere by means of sound, rain. For example, I like when it’s raining a lot and that there is a character that we don’t know walking in the night. (Yes in this film, it is raining all the time and it is always the night) what pleases me a lot. For the book, he is already managed to me to go to bed very late to finish a book. Besides, in the case of films with suspense, the actors are very well chosen and manage to pass on their feelings, their preoccupations, their stress…
On the other hand, there is other kind very interesting.
For example, during action movies there is no moment where we bored. However the end is generally predictable as in James Bomb. I like disaster movies too but generally there are lots of dies. I loved a lot for example Titanic even if there isn’t really suspense. But, I hate the horror movies because generally they do not frighten but disgust.
Although films without suspense can be very good, books without it do not please me. They are generally boring and I finished them rarely.

Finally we can say that nowadays we have the choice enter lots of kind of book and film: horror movies, romantic, action and generally all contain suspense. So each can find what he likes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-12-2008 19:30

Réponse: Suspense in books and films de laure95, postée le 17-12-2008 à 11:31:50 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois reprendre:
- On the one hand, it is true that films with suspense as thrillers are very attractive.
Indeed, the directors are very talented, the story is always steered well that’s why we did (pourquoi le prétérit?) not suspect the end. He (qui est HE?) creates for it a stressful atmosphere by means (using) of sound, rain. For example, I like when it’s raining a lot and that there is a character that we don’t know walking in the night. (Yes in this film, it is raining all the time and it is always the night) what (which) pleases me a lot. For the book, he ? is already manageds to me to go to bed very late to finish a book. Besides, in the case of films with suspense, the actors are very well chosen and manage to pass on their feelings, their preoccupations, their stress…
On the other hand, there is other kind (of what?)very interesting.
For example, during action movies there is no moment where we get bored. However the end is generally predictable as in James Bomb. I like disaster movies too but generally there are lots of dies (die est un verbe). I loved a lot for example Titanic even if there isn’t really suspense. But, I hate the horror movies because generally they do not frighten but disgust.
Although films without suspense can be very good, books without it do not please me. They are generally boring and I finished them rarely (place de l'adverbe de fréquence!).

Finally we can say that nowadays we have the choice to enter lots of kind of book and film: horror movies, romantic, action and generally all contain suspense. So each of us can find what he likes.

Bon courage

Réponse: Suspense in books and films de yo2191, postée le 17-12-2008 à 14:17:40 (S | E)

Réponse: Suspense in books and films de lachieuse, postée le 05-01-2009 à 18:45:18 (S | E)
expression bien réfléchie, mais pas passionnante car tu ne parles que très peu de films en particulier. Dommage!


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