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Résumer un film/about ghosts

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Résumer un film/about ghosts
Message de patouch93 posté le 30-01-2010 à 20:59:12 (S | E | F)

Nous avons vu un film en classe, et nous devons maintenant le résumer et le commenter. Pouvez-vous y jeter un coup d'œil? Merci!

The film is about three men who are doing research about ghosts, they are part of a paranormal investigation group. They begin by catching a ghost in a big hotel. And then they receive full of calls from people who have ghosts in their house. A few days later, the kinds of monsters that look like dogs invade the city with other monsters. And they will try to save the people.

I liked the film because it was funny. But the special effects were not really great. And as we watched in English, I did not understand everything.


Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2010 16:18

Réponse: Résumer un film/about ghosts de gerondif, postée le 30-01-2010 à 21:05:52 (S | E)

The film is about three men who are doing some research about ghosts, they are part of a paranormal investigation group. They begin by catching a ghost in a big hotel. And then they receive full of calls from people who have ghosts in their houses. A few days later, the kinds of monsters that look like dogs invade the city with other monsters. And they(je préciserais de qui vous parlez) will try to save the people.

I liked the film because it was funny. But the special effects were not really great. And as we watched in English, I did not understand everything.

full of: rempli de , pour un liquide dans un réservoir. Trouvez une autre expression : p----- of
"des espèces de" monstres ? J'aurais mis l'adjectif "étrange"

Réponse: Résumer un film/about ghosts de saron_d, postée le 31-01-2010 à 00:32:15 (S | E)
"The film is about three men who are [some] doing research about ghosts"

Le "some" n'est pas nécessaire - moi, je le dirais sans "some". Si vous voulez améliorer la phrase, vous pourriez dire " who are researching ghosts" ou "men who are conducting research into ghosts.".


Réponse: Résumer un film/about ghosts de patouch93, postée le 31-01-2010 à 16:05:17 (S | E)
Merci pour cette correction...alors j'ai mis ''strange'' à la place de '' the kinds of monsters'' et pour ''full of calls...'' j'ai remplacé par ''a lot of'' je pense que dans ce contexte ça va...
Et ''they'' j'ai simplement remplacé par ''three men''.

Voilà, encore merci!

Réponse: Résumer un film/about ghosts de gerondif, postée le 31-01-2010 à 16:07:50 (S | E)

remplacez alors "they" par "the three men", on saura que ce sont ceux qui sont présentés au début.


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