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Correction /influenced?

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Correction /influenced?
Message de piix3 posté le 30-04-2010 à 16:46:14 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, je poste ce sujet pour vous demander de coriger mes fautes si cela est possible.

Sujet : Are you easily influenced by other people when you have to take an important decisions ?

I do not think being under the influence of the other persons when I have to take important decisions. However, the opinion of some persons count much in the choices that I am brought to make, as for example, that of my mother or my boyfriend. Indeed, of my point of view, it is necessary to make to share of the things, to think about the councils of the others and not be influenced to avoid being made handle. Furthermore, it is important for me, to think well about the decision taken or envisage, by taking into account the consequences that can have. For example, concerning, the educational guidance after the High school diploma, which for me is an important decision. Of course, I have about it to speak with my friend, and my family, but on no account they have to influence my choice, I have to listen to their points of view, their council, but my choice went towards what pleased me most. But, sometimes, I admit that when I do not really know what to make or when I am indecisive, my choice often is to influence, it is for it that I always see to it to think well and to be sure of me.

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par bridg le 30-04-2010 17:47

Réponse: Correction /influenced? de notrepere, postée le 01-05-2010 à 02:01:23 (S | E)

I do not think being ("je suis") under the influence of the other persons another person when I have to take make important decisions. However, the opinion (plural) of some persons (people) count much in the choices that I am brought to make, as for example, that of my mother or my boyfriend. Indeed, of my point of view, it is necessary to make to share of the things, and to think about the councils of the others and not be influenced to avoid being made handle (????).

Réponse: Correction /influenced? de gerondif, postée le 01-05-2010 à 10:03:15 (S | E)

Faites attention aux traductions trop mécaniques ou trop littérales:Corrigez les phrases trop brutes du traducteur si vous en avez utilisé un pour commencer votre traduction:
exemple: c'est pour cela que : "That's the reason why" et non pas "it is for it that"
les conseils: advice (mot singulier) et non pas councils: des conseils, des groupes de conseillers comme le Conseil Constitutionnel.

faire la part des choses: to take everything into account ....

Pour comprendre ce que vous vouliez dire, je dois faire le mot-à-mot en sens inverse pour retrouver la structure française.

Are you easily influenced by other people when you have to take an important decisions ?

I do not think being under the influence of the other persons when I have to take(to make a decision) important decisions. However, the opinion of some persons count much in the choices that I am brought to make(que je suis amené à faire ?), as for example, that of my mother or my boyfriend. Indeed, of my point of view, it is necessary to make to share of the things, to think about the councils of the others and not to be influenced to avoid being made handle(se faire manipuler?). Furthermore, it is important for me, to think well about the decision taken or envisage,(participe passé) by taking into account the consequences that can have(les conséquences qu'il peut y avoir ? ). For example, concerning, the educational guidance after the High school diploma, which for me is an important decision( pas de principale). Of course, I have about it to speak with (je dois en parler ... mais en anglais le "en" reste derrière le verbe: I have to speak about it with... encore une traduction littérale !)my friend, and my family, but on no account do they have to influence my choice, I have to listen to their points of view, their council, but my choice went towards what pleased me most(pourquoi le prétérit ?). But, sometimes, I admit that when I do not really know what to make (= fabriquer, coonfectionner. I don't know what to do)or when I am indecisive, my choice often is to influence,(mon choix est souvent influencé, donc participe passé ou autre structure) it is for it that I always see to it to think well and to be sure of me(myself, pronom réfléchi).

Réponse: Correction /influenced? de piix3, postée le 01-05-2010 à 11:38:59 (S | E)
Donc en rouge ce sont les fautes que je dois corriger c'est cela ?

Réponse: Correction /influenced? de piix3, postée le 01-05-2010 à 11:56:41 (S | E)
Voici ma correction :

I do not think of being under the influence of another person when I have to make a important decisions. However, the opinion of some people count much in the choices that I am brought to make(que je suis amené à faire ?), as for example, that of my mother or my boyfriend. Indeed, about my point of view, it is necessary to take everything into account, and to think about the advice of others and not to be influenced to avoid being made handle(se faire manipuler?). Furthermore, it is important for me, to think well about the decision taken or envisaged, by taking into account the consequences that can have(les conséquences qu'il peut y avoir ? ). For example, concerning, the educational guidance after the High school diploma, which for me is an important decision. Of course, I have to speak about with my friend, and my family, but on no account do they have to influence my choice, I have to listen to their points of view, their advice, but my choice went towards what pleased me most(pourquoi le prétérit ?). But, sometimes, I admit that when I do not really know what to do or when I am indecisive, my choice often is influenced, That's the reason why I always see to it to think well and to be sure of myself.

Voila en rouge c'est ce que je n'arrive pas à corriger .

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Réponse: Correction /influenced? de frances17, postée le 01-05-2010 à 20:40:00 (S | E)
It's the first time I am on the forum but there has to be one (first time!)
I'm just gonna going to list the different "mistakes" I saw reading the text.
- think of being
- an important decision-
-I'm brought to ........ I have to
- Use rather the possessive my mother's
_ From my point of view

Shorter sentences are easier to handle, so try to cut your long sentences into shorter pieces.
- to take into account all the possible effects and consequences
- to speak about it

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2010 20:43
Welcome to the forum!

Réponse: Correction /influenced? de gerondif, postée le 02-05-2010 à 00:14:21 (S | E)

quelques corrections supplémentaires...

I do not think of being I am under the influence of another person when I have to make an important decisions. However, the opinion of some people count much in the choices that I have to make, as for example, thatthose (pluriel) of my mother or my boyfriend. Indeed, aboutfrom my point of view, it is necessary to take everything into account, and to think about the advice of others and not to be influenced to avoid being manipulated. Furthermore, it is important for me to think wellcarefully about the decision taken or envisaged, by taking into account the possible consequences that can have. For example, concerning the educational guidance after the High school diploma, which for me is an important decision. Of course, I have to speak about it with my friend, and my family, but on no account do they have to influence my choice, I have to listen to their points of view, their advice, but my choice wentalways goes (présent) towards what pleases me most . But(répétition de but! However: pourtant), sometimes, I admit that when I do not really know what to do or when I am indecisive, my choice is often (often derrière is)influenced, That's the reason why I always see to it to think well and to be sure of myself.


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