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Third paragraph on my essay

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Third paragraph on my essay
Message de shan9588 posté le 14-05-2010 à 03:42:40 (S | E | F)

here's my last paragraphe.
Tell me again if it's good

Also, too many women are being raped and nobody seems to care. A high number of women are being raped in the country of Congo. Indeed, Ange Mpala, the psychologist mentioned earlier, says that almost each woman she sees has been raped at least one. I believe that is unbelievable and unacceptable. Also, nobody seems to care about the sexual crimes women are suffered. Statistics mention that hundreds of thousands girls were raped in Congo. Even if this number is so high, most will say that they did not know about it. I think it's scandalous and immoral.

Thanks again.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2010 09:13

Réponse: Third paragraph on my essay de notrepere, postée le 14-05-2010 à 04:07:41 (S | E)

Pas beaucoup de fautes! Bon travail!

Also, too many women are being raped and nobody seems to care. A high number of women are being raped in the country of Congo. Indeed, Ange Mpala, the psychologist mentioned earlier, says that almost each [use a word that means "more than one"] woman she sees has been raped at least one [use the adverb form]. I believe that is unbelievable and unacceptable. Also, nobody seems to care about the sexual crimes women are have suffered. Statistics mention that hundreds of thousands [need a preposition] girls were raped in Congo. Even if this number is so (do you mean "too high"?) high, most will say that they did not know about it. I think it's scandalous and immoral.


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