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Dialogue d'anglais

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Dialogue d'anglais
Message de sannah31 posté le 28-11-2010 à 11:31:09 (S | E | F)
avec deux amies on doit faire un dialogue en anglais, sur le sujet qu'on veut, on a choisi la peine de mort.
La scène se passe en Amérique, il y a une ministre de la justice, de la paix et une présentatrice télé. Le but était d'être en désaccord ... J'aimerais me faire corriger les fautes d'orthographe, de syntaxe, de grammaire, enfin les fautes, si possible
Merci pour vos réponses.

S : Good evening and welcome to Sonia Queen Live ! Tonight we receive the U.S. Altorney General, miss Fratini and Minister of Peace, miss Pradère. They will
discuss on a reform proposed to Parliament by miss Fratini who concerning an update of the death penalty. Miss Fratini, speak to us about your reform.

A : Yes of course, hum ... For the past several years Americans have regularly listed crime and violence as the number one problem facing the nation. We need the death penalty. It will maybe be reinstalled but not apply in the same way as before. We are in 21th century, everything is different.

S : Ok, all right ! And what do you think about miss Pradère ? I suppose that this reform don’t delight you ...

J : Obviously ! I am totally against this reform, and even less agree with the death penalty. Today, while more than half of the countries in the world have abolished the death penalty in law or practice, the United States continues to use the death penalty in 12 states. The executions are carried out in this country by lethal injection, electrocution, gas chamber, etc ... It's totally absurd ! What justice if it punishes a crime by a crime ?

A : Miss the minister of peace, the death penalty is the only way to avoid offense. Some people would not commit a murder, rape or another violent crime if they would know that they could get on a death row for that. It's also the best means to return justice. It relieves a lot of victims and closes. More, point of view economic an execution is cheaper than a life sentence. It's the way you think who is absurd, your pity should go fully those who have sufferd and not those who are made to suffer.

J : As far I know, there is no strong statistical evidence that the death penalty lowers the murder rate.

S : Ok, ok, you have the good arguments but could you not find an agreement ? For example, impose this difficult sentence in the most extreme situations ?

A : But that's what we will do ! Execute only the dangerous criminals ...

J : No ! No ! No !!! Nobody merit to die. I absolutely can not tolerate this law, this is not a valid reason to favor the death to imprisonment only for that earns you more cash !

A : Oh my God ! But you take me ? Money is a detail, justice must be done ! Serious criminals should pay for what they did, if they are only a few hours to live, they will rise to reflect seriously on their actions. The world isn't pink, people are not all nice miss Pradère. There will never be peace with people like that on earth !

J : With people like you, you want to say ...

S : Ok, misses, stop ! While we take back our minds we will mark a short page advertisement, certainly not zap, this discussion promises to be even more exciting after the ad !

S'il y a des choses qui ne sont pas vraiment vraies sur la peine de mort ce n'est pas vraiment grave, le but étant d'être en désaccord ...

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2010 12:49


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