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Correction/rapport santé

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/rapport santé
Message de arno79 posté le 01-12-2011 à 16:52:13 (S | E | F)

je sollicite de nouveau votre aide. En effet, je dois envoyer une lettre à un docteur aux Etats-Unis.
Je lui explique que j'ai passé 2 examens en France (échographie et holter) et lui envoie les conclusions du cardiologue en France.
Je la remercie et explique mon désir de revenir aux États-Unis. Je lui demande par la même occasion si elle peut faire un nouveau rapport à l'organisme américain au vu des conclusions du cardiologue et si elle pourrait me le transmettre.
Voici la lettre


I’m sending you news about me. Since I came back to France, I did two exams with a cardiologist, a scan (10/25/11) and a Holter (11/17/11) during exercises. Besides, you will be able to find herewith the conclusions from the cardiologist. If you want, I can also send you by email the full reports if you give me your email address.
Everything is fine. I don’t have any heart disease. I’m relieved and glad.
Thank you for taking care of me for several days. Now, I would like to come back as soon as possible in Oklahoma as there’s no risk regarding my health.
Therefore, as you can read the conclusions, could you make another rapport to Ayusa saying I’m fine and possibly send me a copy by email so that I transmit it to my group in France ?

Thank you in advance,



Merci d'avance pour me corriger mes éventuelles fautes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-12-2011 18:02

Réponse: Correction/rapport santé de gerondif, postée le 01-12-2011 à 17:04:54 (S | E)

I’m sending you news about me(myself). Since I came back to France, I did(present perfect) two exams with a cardiologist, a scan (10/25/11) and a Holter (11/17/11) during exercises. Besides, you will be able to (le présent serait plus léger,ou "Please find...) find herewith the conclusions from the cardiologist. If you want(if you like), I can also send you by email the full reports if you give me your email address.
Everything is fine. I don’t have any heart disease. I’m relieved and glad.
Thank you for taking care of me for several days. Now, I would like to come back as soon as possible in (déplacement: to)Oklahoma as there’s no risk regarding my health.
Therefore, as you can read (in)the conclusions, could you make another rapport(report) to Ayusa saying I’m fine and possibly send me a copy by email so that I can transmit it to my group in France ?

Thank you in advance,



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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