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Oral /Mythes et Héros

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /Mythes et Héros
Message de titi018 posté le 15-02-2014 à 14:19:08 (S | E | F)

quelqu'un pourrait-il me donner son avis sur mon oral d'anglais et si possible corriger les fautes.
Merci d'avance

I 'll talk about the concept of myths and heroes. First, I will give a definition of this notion , a hero is a character admired by his qualities , his courage and his good deeds. They may be fictional as Super , Batman ... but also it can be real , this can be an icon , a national hero or other ...
To illustrate this concept of myths and heroes we will see how a hero becomes important , so I will introduce two character that I think his heroes. The primer is Nelson Mandela who is a national hero and the second is Superman which is a fictional hero. Both have one thing in common , it 's both become heroes but as the same way .

Nelson Mandela became him a hero because he was the first black president of South Africa, but mainly because he fought against Apartheid , it is thanks to him that separation of whites and blacks was abolished , the population black can finally fit into the white population through him. It has become a global hero. And even after his death in 2013 , it remains in the memory of the world for his actions that led to changing attitudes .

As Superman, he is a simple superhero, he does not exist but through his cartoons, movies ... he is a hero in his adventures as he saves the world from various dangers and always comes the big winner . His courage, his loyalty and his super powers make him a role model for kids who want to be like him.

To conclude , two totally different character managed to become heroes by having done various actions, but a hero is not necessarily good, it can be crazy like Don Quixote fighting windmills man wants to wind or evil as Dracula who does not hesitate to kill people for food. This notion seems to me important for both youth and adults , it can acquire a certain culture and a different opening of the world.
To me a hero is still a person who does things to advance the world, save or else.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-02-2014 15:19


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