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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de kika529 posté le 09-03-2014 à 06:32:08 (S | E | F)
je suis en BTS et j'ai un niveau en anglais plutôt médiocre.
Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider, j'ai écrit ma présentation à l'oral, pouvez-vous rectifier mes erreurs, il y en a sûrement un paquet.

My name is XXXXX, I’m XX old year, I live in XXXX with my mother, my grandmother, aunty, and 3 cousins.
I got my baccalaureate (or bachelor?) accounting finance companies at XXXXX high School in 2012. Currently I’m doing a BTS CGO in XXXXX.
I don’t have many hobbies but sometimes the weekend I keep my nephew or I go to night club with my friends and my family. Or I do my homework.
I have a best memory, it’s when I was little. I played with my father. It’s my best memory because now he lives in France and when i miss my father I often think of her now he has gone.
Later, I would like to be an expert-accountant and live in a big house with all my family.

Now, I’ll talk about my intership.
To find my training period, I had to call a large number of firms. But I find thanks to an uncle.
I did my training period at xxxx for four Weeks. The company is a subsidiary of xxxxx. I choose this company because it’s near to my home and it’s was easy for the transportation.

During the training period, I had to :
- made a phoning for the suppliers
-accounting record (of buys,sells and importation)
-The first week, I was a little lost because the software was complicated. But I get used to the software.

-I liked because I work with womens, there was a men’s corner and women's corner but it’s not intentionally!
-the only problem that I had was a man who was unpleasant with me. One day, I came with papers to sign and he refused because he wanted it to be my superior who bring it to him. I think because a was just the trainee.

-To conclude, it was my first training. I was terrified but I discovered the world of work and it was a good experience.
The staff was welcoming, friendly and i was well-off.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-03-2014 08:37

Réponse: Présentation/aide de bluduck2, postée le 09-03-2014 à 09:14:15 (S | E)
Hello kika 529 !
Here are a few remarks
line 1 :I am XX years old /I am XX .
English 6th formers take A'levels /American students graduate /
line 2 :at the week-end ,I look after my nephew .
I go to a night club.line 7 :One of my best memories ...
line 8 :my father (masc.)--him
line 9 :to find--simple past
line 10:to choose, simple past ; line 15:--it was ;line 16-- to get ,simple past[/bleu]
line 10:near my home /close to my home .
line 11:it was
line 13:I had to phone the suppliers
line 14:I had to do the accounting records
line 14: to buy=verbe ,nom:a purchase ; to sell=verbe , nom a sale .
line 16 :A man ,two men , a woman, two women
line 17 Structure :to want s.o. to do sthg He wanted my senior colleague to bring it to him .
line 20 : to be well off implies you were given a good salary .
Were you given any money ? If not, you fitted in , you felt welcome ,you felt you were part of the staff.
I hope this helps !! Bluduck2

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-03-2014 08:19
Bug couleur

Réponse: Présentation/aide de kika529, postée le 10-03-2014 à 07:26:36 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup ça m'a bien aidé.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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