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Correction/ Lisa

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ Lisa
Message de lisanette posté le 19-11-2014 à 19:06:50 (S | E | F)
Mon texte est-il juste s'il vous plaît ?
Merci par avance.
Bonne soirée,

"Lisa or youth’s carpe diem"

I know a girl named Lisa who is 25 years old.
After successfully graduating from high school, she began studying astrology and is part of two years in the United States to study trade.
She was working as a waitress in a bar to pay for her studies.
When she returned, she started to do a journalism school.
Her father is an accountant and her mother works in a temp agency.
She has a brother, Florent, who is 28 years old and who military.
Lisa had a rather happy childhood.
Initially, she says it wants to change their schooling for more opportunities later but in the end she can’t choose a path that actually interested.
As Sophie, the young interviewee, she does not have much ambition, so she will be able to find it.
Lisa also wants to break this routine.
It is true that she has a boyfriend with whom she shares a lot of things but she doesn’t want to marry in order to keep her independence.
In the same way that Sophie, Lisa does not want a child.
With a certain selfishness that she does not deny, she prefers to keep her man just for her and avoid taking too much responsibility to raise a child.
According to her, it must already have a stable position and then she rather wants to enjoy life to take care of her.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-11-2014 19:16


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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