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A nurse/correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


A nurse/correction
Message de kaleid posté le 10-12-2014 à 15:57:16 (S | E | F)
Je souhaiterais que quelqu'un s'il a le temps et la gentillesse veuille bien m'aider à corriger mon texte.
Je remercie d'avance ceux ou celles qui prendront le temps de m'aider!

The document is an ad, who was probably published during World War II when the United States of America were at war with Japan,German and Italy.The country that published this ad must be the United states of America as the America flag can be seen on the soldier's sleeve.
On the document, we can see a girl who was chosen as one of the military nurse of World War II.We notice,that she looks pretty,strong-willed and admirative.She must have a patriotic feeling for joinning the Army despite being so young.We also can assume that she is looking the member of US Amy who put his nurse hat on the head.
This ad was created in order to recruit a large number of military nurse and doctor,since the nation it is in a war.

Sur ce je vous souhaite à tous une bonne journée!

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-12-2014 16:33

Réponse: A nurse/correction de gerondif, postée le 10-12-2014 à 17:56:46 (S | E)
The document is an ad, who was probably published during World War II when the United States of America were at war with Japan,German and Italy.The country that published this ad must be the United states of America as the America flag can be seen on the soldier's sleeve.
On the document, we can see a girl who was chosen as one of the military nurse(pluriel) of World War II.We notice,(supprimer la virgule)that she looks pretty,strong-willed and admirative.She must have a patriotic feeling for joinning the Army despite being so young.We also (vient derrière can) can assume that she is looking ** (préposition)the member of US Amy who put(à mettre au présent en ing) his(son chapeau à lui ou à elle?) nurse hat on the(remplacer par un possessif) head.
This ad was created in order to recruit a large number of military nurse and doctor(un grand nombre de donc pluriel!!),since the nation it(en trop) is (au prétérit, ça irait mieux) in a war.(at war)

Réponse: A nurse/correction de kaleid, postée le 10-12-2014 à 23:58:15 (S | E)

Encore et toujours je tiens à vous remercier de votre précieuse aide!

The document is an ad, it was probably published during World War II when the United States of America were at war with Japan,German and Italy.The country that published this ad must be the United States of America as the American flag can be seen on the soldier's sleeve.
On the document, we can see a girl who was chosen as one of the military nurses of World War II.We notice that she looks pretty,strong-willed and admirative.She must have a patriotic feeling for joining the Army despite being so young.We can also assume that she is looking at the member of US Amy who putting her nurse hat on her head.
This ad was created in order to recruit a large number of military nurses and doctors,since the nation was at war against Germany,Italy and Japan.

Sur ce je vous souhaite une bonne nuit!

Réponse: A nurse/correction de gerondif, postée le 11-12-2014 à 10:02:24 (S | E)
The document is an ad, it was probably published during World War II when the United States of America were at war with Japan,German and Italy.The country that published this ad must be the United States of America as the American flag can be seen on the soldier's sleeve.
On the document, we can see a girl who was chosen as one of the military nurses of World War II.We notice that she looks pretty,strong-willed and admirative.She must have (on pourrrait aussi dire: she must have had) a patriotic feeling for joining the Army despite being so young.We can also assume that she is looking at the member of the US Army who (où est l'auxiliaire être???)putting her nurse(cas possessif) hat on her head.
This ad was created in order to recruit a large number of military nurses and doctors,since the nation was at war against Germany,Italy and Japan.

Réponse: A nurse/correction de kaleid, postée le 11-12-2014 à 11:54:48 (S | E)

Tout d'abord,je tiens encore à vous remercier de votre aide ^^!

The document is an ad, it was probably published during World War II when the United States of America were at war with Japan,German and Italy.The country that published this ad must be the United States of America as the American flag can be seen on the soldier's sleeve.
On the document, we can see a girl who was chosen as one of the military nurses of World War II.We notice that she looks pretty,strong-willed and admirative.She must have had a patriotic feeling for joining the Army despite being so young.We can also assume that she is looking at the member of the US Army who was putting her nurse's hat on her head.
This ad was created in order to recruit a large number of military nurses and doctors,since the nation was at war against Germany,Italy and Japan.

Réponse: A nurse/correction de gerondif, postée le 11-12-2014 à 12:03:51 (S | E)

The document is an ad, it was probably published during World War II when the United States of America were at war with Japan,German and Italy.The country that published this ad must be the United States of America as the American flag can be seen on the soldier's sleeve.
On the document, we can see a girl who was chosen as one of the military nurses of World War II.We notice (I can see, we can see) that she looks pretty,strong-willed and admirative.She must have had a patriotic feeling for joining the Army despite being so young.We can also assume that she is looking at the member of the US Army who was(pourquoi au prétérit alors que la principale est au présent en ing ?) putting her nurse's hat on her head.
This ad was created in order to recruit a large number of military nurses and doctors,since the nation was at war against Germany,Italy and Japan.

Réponse: A nurse/correction de kaleid, postée le 13-12-2014 à 16:38:59 (S | E)
D'accord,toutes les fautes ont bien été corrigées !Ben, je ne sais quoi vous dire si ce n'est merci pour votre aide ^^!
Sur ce je vous souhaite une bonne journée!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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