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Conversation/mari et femme

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Conversation/mari et femme
Message de kaleid posté le 21-01-2015 à 18:17:04 (S | E | F)
Je souhaiterais que quelqu'un s'il a le temps et la bonté puisse m'aider à corriger mon texte.
Je remercie d'avance ceux ou celles qui prendront le temps de m'aider!

The husban,Chris tell to his wife,Carine:
-Remember...You go to the mall with the money we have not the money you wish we had...
-I know that,I will try to not spend too much money.But,I wish I had married a more wealthy man.Since you don't have enough money to satisfy me
-What did you say!You know,I really wish I had been able to be with a nicer woman.You only think about yourself,and don't try to understand my feeling.
-And what!If,you wish we could divorce .Nothing more will make me that happy!And,since it's Christmas, it'll make a wonderfull present.
-Ah,I see!I doesn't more care about you!I was really dumb.I wished I could have a joyful Christmas with you,but he looks like it'll be impossiblee.I wish I never hadn't met you.
-You're not the only one who think that.I hate myself for fall in love with a dumbass like you.I wish I had been allowed to marry Alexandre.Since,it's a really wonderful and graceful person.I wish you could take example of him!

One month after this talk Chris and Carine cool down and got back their all day life.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-01-2015 18:23

Réponse: Conversation/mari et femme de gerondif, postée le 21-01-2015 à 18:30:35 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.

The husban,Chris tell to his wife,Carine:
-Remember...You go to the mall with the money we have,(virgule) not the money you wish we had...
-I know that,I will try to not(à l'envers) spend too much money.But,I wish I had married a more wealthy(y donne ier) man.Since you don't have enough money to satisfy me
-What did you say(ne se dit guère)!You know,I really wish I had been able to be with a nicer woman.You only think about yourself,and don't try to understand my feelings.
-And what(sens??)!If you wish we could divorce .Nothing more will make me that happy!And,since it's Christmas, it'll make a wonderfull present.
-Ah,I see!I doesn't more care about you(utilser any more)!I was really dumb.I wished I could have a joyful Christmas with you,but he looks like it'll be impossiblee.I wish I never hadn't (double négation!!)met you.
-You're not the only one who think(un S) that.I hate myself for fall(for + ing) in love with a dumbass like you.I wish I had been allowed to marry Alexandre.Sinceit's a really wonderful and graceful person.I wish you could take example of him!

One month after this talk, Chris and Carine cool down and got back their all day life. /cool est au présent, got au prétérit, ça ne va pas)

Réponse: Conversation/mari et femme de kaleid, postée le 21-01-2015 à 18:43:54 (S | E)

Tout d'abord je tiens à vous remercier de votre aide!
Voici le texte après correction:

The husband,Chris say to his wife,Carine:
-Remember...You go to the mall with the money we have not the money you wish we had...
-I know that,I will try not to spend too much money.But,I wish I had married a wealthier man.Since you don't have enough money to satisfy me
-What did you say!(je devrais mettre quoi alors ?)You know,I really wish I had been able to be with a nicer woman.You only think about yourself,and don't try to understand my feellings.
-And what!(je voulais dire "Et alors quoi ?)If,you wish we could divorce .Nothing more will make me happier!And,since it's Christmas, it'll make a wonderful present.
-Ah,I see!I don't anymore care about you!I was really dumb.I wished I could have a joyful Christmas with you,but he looks like it'll be impossiblee.I wish I never had met you.
-You're not the only one who thinks that.I hate myself for falling in love with a dumbass like you.I wish I had been allowed to marry Alexandre.Since,he is a really wonderful and graceful person.I wish you could take example of (je vois pas là) him!

One month after this talk Chris and Carine cool down and go back to their all day life.

Réponse: Conversation/mari et femme de gerondif, postée le 21-01-2015 à 19:00:51 (S | E)
The husband,Chris sayS to his wife,Carine:
-Remember...You go to the mall with the money we have,(VIRGULE) not the money you wish we had...
-I know that,I will try not to spend too much money.But,I wish I had married a wealthier man.Since you don't have enough money to satisfy me
-What did you say!(je devrais mettre quoi alors ? What was that ? en argot: YOU WHAT!!)You know,I really wish I had been able to be with a nicer woman.You only think about yourself,and don't try to understand my feelings.
-And what!(je voulais dire "Et alors quoi ? SO what !!)If,(sans virgule)you wish,(virgule) we could(can irait mieux) divorce .Nothing more will make me happier!And,since it's Christmas, it'll make a wonderful present.
-Ah,I see!I don't care about you any more!I was really dumb.I wished I could have a joyful Christmas with you,but he looks like it'll be impossiblee.I wish I had never met you.
-You're not the only one who thinks that.I hate myself for falling in love with a dumbass like you.I wish I had been allowed to marry Alexandre.(pas de point)Since,(pas de virgule)he is a really wonderful and graceful person.I wish you could take example of (je vois pas là! moi si! on dit prendre exemple sur quelqu'un) him!

One month after this talk Chris and Carine cool down and go back to their all day(all day ne convient pas, n'est pas vraiment adjectival, plutôt complément de temps) life.

Réponse: Conversation/mari et femme de kaleid, postée le 21-01-2015 à 20:21:25 (S | E)

D'accord,je vous remercie encore de votre aide!Toute les fautes ont bien été corrigées!

Sur ce je vous souhaite une bonne soirée et je vous remercie encore de votre précieuse aide!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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