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Notion/Power and counter-power

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Notion/Power and counter-power
Message de livia1313 posté le 23-02-2015 à 09:46:10 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Depuis quelques jours je me suis consacrée à la synthèse d'anglais sur la notion du pouvoir. Malgré le temps passé, je ne suis pas très douée pour l'anglais. J'aimerais savoir si vous pouviez corriger les fautes d’orthographe et grammaire également. Je vous en remercie d'avance. Si vous avez des conseils je suis preneuse !

Power is the ability to exercise control on somebody or on a group. So it's a might that can be exerted by many ways, non violent or violent, by a person, group or government. Power implies counter-powers too : how does the power is exerted today?

Power is exercised primarily with of money.
In class, we study a document about money : "Welcome to the 21st Century", which is a extarct of "an outrageous man." This text presents two characters: a business lawyer and a translator. A New york lawyer wants to buy a large part of the Czech economy, so he needs a translator to complete the transaction. It pays five times its normal price. In this excerpt the translator discovers the importance of money through the pretension, arrogance of the lawyer. This translator is horrified by this businessman.

Hopefully, exists counter power
Greenpeace is a non-governmental and non-profit organization which was created in the late 60's. The aim of the organization is to warn people about environmental issues such as deforestation, overfishing... Greenpeace uses direct and indirect actions to raison people's awareness about the situation of the planet: advertising campaign, education, conferences.

We are the 99% is a political slogan, which emerged from the Occupy Wall Street movement. Critics and observers say that the slogan is a reference to economic and democratic inequalities between elites and the rest of the citizens of the United States. In fact the have nots want to protest against the wealthiest part of the population.

In conclusion, we can see that powers are very present in society today. But thanks to counter-powers, we can see stability. Indeed it can be dramatic if one of them becomes too powerful. We can go to a dictatorial regime or anarchy.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-02-2015 11:19

Réponse: Notion/Power and counter-power de yaya18, postée le 23-02-2015 à 10:45:58 (S | E)
Hello livia1313,

Power is the ability to exercise control on (wrong preposition) somebody or on (same thing) a group. So it's a might that can be exerted by many ways, non violent or violent, by a person, a group or a government. Power implies counter-powers too : how does the power is exerted today?

Power is exercised primarily with of (Be careful when you translate your sentence in English, the composition is not the same one) money.
In class, we study a document about money : "Welcome to the 21st Century", which is a extarct (I guess it was unintentional) of "an outrageous man." This text presents two characters: a business lawyer and a translator. A New york lawyer wants to buy a large part of the Czech economy, so he needs a translator to complete the transaction. It pays five times its normal price. In this excerpt the translator discovers the importance of money through the pretension, arrogance of the lawyer. This translator is horrified by this businessman.

Hopefully, exists counter power
Greenpeace is a non-governmental and non-profit organization which was created in the late 60's. The aim of the organization is to warn people about (It's correct but I would prefer you to use the preposition "of", because it sounds more official or formal) environmental issues such as deforestation, overfishing... Greenpeace uses direct and indirect actions to raison people's awareness about the situation of the planet: advertising campaign, education, conferences.

We are the 99% is a political slogan, which emerged from the Occupy Wall Street movement. Critics and observers say that the slogan is a reference to economic and democratic inequalities between elites and the rest of the citizens of the United States. In fact the have nots want to protest against the wealthiest part of the population.

In conclusion, we can see that powers are very present in our society today. But thanks to counter-powers, we can see stability. Indeed it can be dramatic if one of them becomes too powerful. We can go to a dictatorial regime or anarchy.

It's a really good text ! Congratulations to you ! And I hope this correcton will help you ;)

Modifié par yaya18 le 23-02-2015 10:46

Réponse: Notion/Power and counter-power de livia1313, postée le 23-02-2015 à 15:05:33 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !!!

Réponse: Notion/Power and counter-power de yaya18, postée le 23-02-2015 à 17:53:05 (S | E)
You're welcome !

Réponse: Notion/Power and counter-power de gerondif, postée le 23-02-2015 à 19:34:21 (S | E)
quelques coquilles supplémentaires:

Power is the ability to exercise control on (wrong preposition) somebody or on (same thing) a group. So it's a might that can be exerted by many ways, non violent or violent, by a person, a group or a government. Power implies counter-powers too : how does the power is exerted today?

Power is exercised primarily with of (Be careful when you translate your sentence in English, the composition is not the same one) money.
In class, we study a document about money : "Welcome to the 21st Century", which is a extarct (I guess it was unintentional) of "an outrageous man." This text presents two characters: a business lawyer and a translator. A New york lawyer wants to buy a large part of the Czech economy, so he needs a translator to complete the transaction. It pays five times its normal price. In this excerpt the translator discovers the importance of money through the pretension, arrogance of the lawyer. This translator is horrified by this businessman.

Hopefully, exists counter power(ordre des mots)
Greenpeace is a non-governmental and non-profit organization which was created in the late 60's. The aim of the organization is to warn people about (It's correct but I would prefer you to use the preposition "of", because it sounds more official or formal) environmental issues such as deforestation, overfishing... Greenpeace uses direct and indirect actions to raison people's awareness about the situation of the planet: advertising campaign, education, conferences.

We are the 99% is a political slogan, which emerged from the Occupy Wall Street movement. Critics and observers say that the slogan is a reference to economic and democratic inequalities between elites and the rest of the citizens of the United States. In fact the have nots want to protest against the wealthiest part of the population.

In conclusion, we can see that powers are very present in our society today. But thanks to counter-powers, we can see stability. Indeed it can be dramatic if one of them becomes too powerful. We can go to (end up with)a dictatorial regime or anarchy.


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