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A trip/ correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


A trip/ correction
Message de nina15 posté le 14-11-2015 à 16:02:21 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
je dois faire une rédaction. La consigne est : Talk about a trip that you particularly liked , during which you met people different from you and your circle and that somehow " taught" you something or changed you . Describe the trip , the people , the situation , your reactions , the peoples's reactions , what you learnt , etc.
Est-ce que vous pouvez corriger la langue ( orthographe , syntaxe ) s'il vous plait ?

I'm going to talk to you a trip that I have liked . A ten years ago , I have travelled in London with my family . I am stayed to a friend for two month . We are go in a wedding . It was at Church. the weather was very bad because it rained constantly. At London , it was very cold. I have bought a sweater and a jacket . I have met my cousin witch lived in Canada. He sopke very quickly and I hadn't understand all that said . When he speaks , he articulates well . He have tolk about the Amish community .He sais that they are people who reject all forms of technology. Their clothes are simple to prevent vanity . There are very religious . They live in the north East of the usa. as a transport means , we are go in car then in boat .The boat is very beautiful at looking and it's big . They are a lot of games video , a restaurant , a small shops . It's very funny! Over there , some people are very strange because they shows their belly and I was chock. But for them it's normal to dress like this . All women are make up . Everybody , look me strangely because I haven't put of the make up . I felt ill-at-ease and I wnted cry . At London , the driver turns at left in the roundabout whereas in France it turns right . I did not know before . I have just learned. Over there , the dress are less expensive that in France and I have bought a lot of dress . The trip was great and wonderful ! It's ver funny . I very enjoy and this trip . I have discover a lot of things and their culture . I have visited many musuem and monuments . We are go in many temple .I have met a new friend. There are very nice . I have seen my cousin . It was far . he has changed . We have offer kifts at our cousin , friends. We have do of the shopping with them and it's go out .

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-11-2015 21:38


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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