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Oral/Mythes et héros

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Mythes et héros
Message de mariedampri posté le 14-04-2016 à 22:11:47 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en Terminale S et j'ai préparé ma notion pour l'oral d'anglais sur Myths and Heroes.
Pourriez-vous corriger et me dire ce qui ne va vraiment pas?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
Bonne journée.

The notion I’m going to deal with is Myth and Heroes. To begin with, I would like to gibe a definition of the key words.
A myth can be defined as a story gods or heroes. It is a popular belief, a tradition or a entertaining story. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.
I will present this notion by two example: The american dream and the myths of the heroes.
Is the American Dream a myth or a reality? That is I will explain in a first part.
According to you , myths are stories we believe in and heroes are people who help others and symbolise moral values. But a lot of questions can be asked. Can real people like you and me be considered as heroes? Is it just a question of fame? Are heroes just empty symbols or popular icons? That’s what we will see in a second part.

1)The American dream means that all people living in the united states can, by his work, his courage, and his determination, be successful even started with nothing. People can start from scratch and make fortunes. Foreigners came to America to begin a new and better life.
Indeed the reality is quite different sometimes. This dream is an illusion fort some people. It opens our eyes to the economic crisis and the unemployment. The American dream is one of the biggest reason for which people migrate to USA, but at first we need the green card for enter in America, and it's not so simple to get the green card. There is also a lot of concurrence since everyone want to go to USA to realize this dream. So most of people don't succeed very well. Actually all American are not rich.

To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay a reality for some people. But it gradually becomes a myth, because of the evolution of the country.
Actually, The American Dream has always been a myth for some people. Many people dream to visiting this country for their cultures, their food or for the most adventurous try to achieve the American dream.
For me, it is just an ideology for which the United States seeks to give to make speak about them.

2) Next, let’s begin with the traditional image which we have of the heroes that is to say a perfect person who succeed his actions. The heroes can be fictional likes Mickey Mouse, Robin Hood, Totally Spies, Sherlock Holmes,… They are characters which have to save the planet and the people in danger. Children admire and are considered as heroes. They want their look like and identify with them.
The heroes can be also peacemakers and historical heroes likes Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela,… They fight for the people in particular for their liberty, their rights or for peace. For example Gandhi is a hero because he achieved his aim and forever he is a model for people tanks to this philosophy of peaceful resistance. We can also mentioned Martin Luter King who stood against racial segregation in the United States. Like Gandhi, he organized no-violent actions like the bus boycott in Montgomery or the march for freedom where he gave his speech « I have a dream ». Finally he succeeded his fight because Black people got more of rights. These 2 men are now national and international figures and they are very important in the history that’s why they are heroes.
We can see again adventurers or explorer heroes likes Neil Armstrong who was the first man on the moon in 1969.
We mustn’t forget the heroes of the everyday such as the fireman, the doctor,… who life-saving.

Finally, to sum things up it can be said that society needs heroes to gives hope and help them. Moreover people dream of their heroes which become their role model. Indeed we want to have the same qualities, the same courage or the same power. It is important to remember that anybody can be a hero in our daily life.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2016 23:41


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