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Correction/ my day

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ my day
Message de beginner93 posté le 10-04-2017 à 07:55:47 (S | E | F)
Afin d'améliorer mes compétences écrites en anglais j'ai décidé de résumer ma journée d'hier.
Pourriez-vous me corriger les erreurs éventuelles et/ou les tournures de phrases ?
Merci d'avance.

"At 12 a.m , the real start of a day, I was already awake. In fact my rhythm of sleep is not a good point at all. I was discussing with a friend, helping him in biostatistics & also to write a paragraph in immunology. In the same time, I had to clean the house because I had to welcome my friends in the evening. The discussion lasted 4 hours, of course we made some pauses. At 5 a.m I had started to clean the bathroom, and to wash the dishes. I didn’t eat at all, I only drank water. I began to clean the room but it was already the time to prepare myself in order to referee a match in my town. It was 9 past ten when I arrived in the stadium, the welcome was good, the stadium wasn’t so good. I did not warm up a lot because I have a pain in my leg since three weeks and I haven’t started the recovery yet. Physically speaking, I was not at the level at all. In the management of the players I think that I was doing a great job. In my decisions, sometimes they were good, sometimes not which is maybe the consequence of a bad stamina. The score was 2-2 at the final whistle despite the fact that the local team was leading 2-0 at the halftime. They gave me bread with cheese at the end of the match. At a quarter past 1 p.m I was in my room. I took a bath, and I wash a ton of clothes. That was a bad mistake because neither the clothes were dry nor It smelt good. I had not the time to finish the house’s cleaning before I had to leave to welcome my friends. They arrived in my city at 5 p.m."

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-04-2017 09:55

Réponse : Correction/ my day de lucile83, postée le 12-04-2017 à 07:54:55 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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