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Home > Help/Contact > Being safer on the Internet

To all our members:
Caution: People aren't always who they say they are. Be careful when you contact someone.
Don't forget that your profile and pages are public spaces. Don't post anything you wouldn't want the world to know (e.g., your phone number, address, IM screens name, or specific whereabouts). Avoid posting anything that would make it easy for a stranger to find you, such as where you hang out every day after school/work.
People aren't always who they say they are. Be careful about adding strangers to your friends list. Never meet people in person. Harassment, hate speech and inappropriate content should be reported. If you feel someone's behavior is inappropriate, react. Talk with a trusted adult, or report it.
Don't post anything that would embarrass you later. Think twice before posting a photo or info you wouldn't want your parents or boss to see!
Don't mislead people into thinking that you're older or younger. If you lie about your age, your account will be deleted.
To parents:
Talk to your kids about why they use the Internet, how they communicate with others and how they represent themselves on the Internet. Kids shouldn't lie about how old they are.
Our site is a public space. Members shouldn't post anything they wouldn't want the world to know (e.g., phone number, address, IM screen name, or specific whereabouts). Tell your children they should avoid posting anything that would make it easy for a stranger to find them, such as their local hangouts.
Remind them not to post anything that could embarrass them later or expose them to danger. Tell them that they shouldn't post photos or info they wouldn't want adults to see.
People aren't always who they say they are. Ask your children to be careful about adding strangers to their friends list.

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